I direct a band, choir, or orchestra. CONDUCTOR
I write music for theatre, T. V I write music for theatre, T.V., film, computer games or other areas where music is needed. COMPOSER
I work with other medical experts and use music to help others who suffer from mental, physical or emotional problems. MUSIC THERAPIST
in music. I can teach voice or instruments. I instruct students in music. I can teach voice or instruments. MUSIC TEACHER
I play music on the radio. DISC JOCKEY
I repair and help to maintain musical instruments. INSTRUMENT REPAIR
I use my music skills to entertain I use my music skills to entertain. I sometimes perform on stage in front of a live audience or record for T.V., films, and CDs. PERFORMER
I work with musicians to help create the best possible recordings of their music. I help to orchestrate the music that we hear every day. PRODUCER
I write reviews of newly released CDs and do interviews with musicians, bands, and performers. MUSIC CRITIC
I teach music on the college level. MUSIC PROFESSOR
SOUND ENGINEER I am in charge of the sound at a concert or live performance. I set up the equipment and do the sound tests. SOUND ENGINEER
playing band instruments. I am in charge of a group of musicians playing band instruments. BAND DIRECTOR
I work with the composer to create the music soundtrack for a film. OR I work with the composer to create the music soundtrack for a film...OR..I can write articles for music magazines. MUSIC EDITOR
I play the background music for a solo musician or a group of musicians. ACCOMPANIST
I am the person who serves as the go-between for the performer and the media. PUBLICIST
I write articles for publications, blogs, and reviews I write articles for publications, blogs, and reviews. I can also critique musical groups and artists performances, albums, videos, etc. JOURNALIST
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST I specialize in speech and language disorders. I understand how the human voice works. SPEECH PATHOLOGIST
I lead the singing in a church. CANTOR
I counsel and give legal advice to musicians. ATTORNEY
I work in sales and retail of music supplies and materials. MUSIC DEALER
I work with musicians and bands and promoters to get concerts booked. AGENT
The tour coordinator is responsible for coordinating many different parts of an act's tour, including travel, lodging, and taking care of the budget and expenses. TOUR COORDINATOR
I direct the members of a choir. CHOIR DIRECTOR
I introduce music videos on television. VIDEO JOCKEY