Note Taking Format TERM NOTES MY TRANSLATION Short Story Unit Name Date Period NOTES MY TRANSLATION Literary Term (You will record your notes in this column) (You will record your translation in this column) Short Story Unit
Literary Term: Irony Irony is a contradiction between appearance and reality—it is the difference between what is expected and what actually happens.
Literary Term: Situational Irony Situational Irony is when something happens in the story that contradicts the expectations of a character or the reader. Example: A runner who trains hard would be expected to do well in a race. It would be ironic if she trained so hard that she overslept and missed the race.
Situational Irony Continued… A surprise ending often presents situational irony. The turn of events may be unexpected, but writers using irony build clues into the story that make the ending logical. Example: In “The Necklace,” after working herself destitute for ten years to repay the necklace she lost, in the end she finds out that it was a fake.
Situational Irony Continued… Ironies and surprise endings usually help communicate the story’s theme, or message about life. As you read, watch for surprises and think about what each may mean. Example: The surprise ending in “The Necklace” communicates the insignificance of material things as a theme.
Review: Conflict The primary struggle between opposing forces that drives the plot Internal Conflict: Man vs. Self External Conflict: Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Man vs. Technology