Summary receiver operating characteristic plot of the mood disorder questionnaire (MDQ) at a common threshold of 7 for detection of any type of bipolar disorder in mental health centre settings. Summary receiver operating characteristic plot of the mood disorder questionnaire (MDQ) at a common threshold of 7 for detection of any type of bipolar disorder in mental health centre settings. The size of each point is scaled according to the precision of sensitivity and specificity for the study. The solid circle (summary point) represents the summary estimate of sensitivity and specificity for the MDQ at a threshold of 7. The summary point is surrounded by a dotted line representing the 95% confidence region and a dashed line representing the 95% prediction region (the region within which we are 95% certain that the results of a new study will lie). Yemisi Takwoingi et al. Evid Based Mental Health doi:10.1136/eb-2015-102228 Copyright © by the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, Royal College of Psychiatrists & British Psychological Society. All rights reserved.