Resolving Common Problems with Developing Louver Catalogs
Table of Contents Purpose Free Area Chart Air Performance Rating Water Penetration Rating Wind-Driven Rain Rating Sound Performance Rating Catalog Identification Seals and Statement Resource and Contact
Purpose Help manufacturers develop the catalogs Reduce catalog checking time
Free Area Chart
Horizontal Blade Louver Dimension A = Minimum distance between the head and top blade B = Minimum distance between the sill and bottom blade C = Minimum distance between adjacent blades N = Number of C openings L = Minimum distance between louver jambs W = louver width H = louver height
Vertical Blade Louver Dimension A = Minimum distance between the left jamb and left blade B = Minimum distance between the right jamb and right blade C = Minimum distance between adjacent blades N = Number of C openings L = Minimum distance between louver head and sill W = Louver width H = Louver height
Free Area Calculation Free Area = L [A+B+ N X C ] Percent Free Area = L [A+B+ N X C ]100 W X H
Typical Free Area Chart Louver catalog has to have a Free Area Chart. The maximum increment can not be more than 305 mm (12 in). Typical Free Area Chart Ref: AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13) Section 8.3.5
Air Performance
Air Performance Ratings Air performance ratings have to include the following data: Maximum pressure drop (ΔPs) Flow direction intake and/or exhaust Ref: AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13) Section 8.3.1
Air Performance Ratings Following statements have to be in the catalog: “Data corrected to standard air density” AMCA figure or figures in which air performance was tested Test sample size Ref: AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13) Section 8.3.1
Drawing the Graph The line was plotted based on this data. Test Report Approved Catalog The line was plotted based on this data.
Test Mode (Flow Direction) in the Graph Test Report Approved Catalog
Figure No. in the Graph Test Report Approved Catalog
Rounding of data for y-axis IP unit Pressure drop ≥ 0.01 in w.g. Data shall be rounded to maximum of two digits after the decimal point Pressure drop ≤ 0.01 in w.g. Data shall be rounded to maximum of three digits after the decimal point Free Area Velocity Pressure Drop fpm in wg 592 0.008 793 0.020 1191 0.042 1591 0.079 2002 0.121 Wrong Free Area Velocity Pressure Drop fpm in wg 592 0.008 793 0.02 1191 0.04 1591 0.08 2002 0.12 Right Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13) Section 8.3.2
Rounding of data for y-axis SI unit Pressure drop ≥ 1 Pa Data shall be rounded to nearest Pascal Pressure drop ≤ 1 Pa Data shall be rounded to one digit after the decimal point Free Area Velocity Pressure Drop (m/s) (Pa) 3.02 2.49 4.04 4.98 6.07 10.46 8.11 19.68 10.21 30.14 Wrong Right Free Area Velocity Pressure Drop (m/s) (Pa) 3.02 2 4.04 5 6.07 10 8.11 20 10.21 30 Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13) Section 8.3.2
Extrapolation The air performance curve can be extrapolated with broken line with smooth continuation of the adjacent portion. The extrapolation shall not be more than 50% of the static pressure range of the test either upwards of downwards.
Extrapolation Example Approved Catalog The air performance curve can be extrapolated with broken line with smooth continuation of the adjacent portion. The extrapolation shall not be more than 50% of the static pressure range of the test either upwards of downwards. Example: According to the test report below, static pressure drop varies 0.023” to 0.409”. The curve can be extrapolated to (0.409-.023)/2 = 0.193” more than 0.409”. The line can be extended to 0.409” + 0.193” = 0.602”. Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13) Section 8.3.3
Water Penetration
Water Penetration The Beginning point of water penetration (3.05 g/m2 or 0.01 oz/ft2) is defined as the free area velocity at which water begins to pass through the louver. It shall be in form of statement. Example: The beginning point of water penetration for Model ABC 007 is 913 fpm free area velocity. Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13): Section 10.3.1
Water Penetration Curve Approved Catalog Published ratings may be shown as a curve of water penetration in accordance with the regression formula. Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13): Section 10.3.2
Ordinate of Water Penetration Curve Approved Catalog Ordinate (y-axis): The ordinate shall be from 0 to 100 mL (0 to 0.3 oz) of water penetration m2 (ft2) free area. Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13): Section
Abscissa of Water Penetration Curve Approved Catalog The minimum abscissa velocity shall start on an even 0.5m/s (100 fpm) more than 0.3 m/s (60 fpm) below the velocity at the beginning of water penetration. For example, the beginning point of water penetration is 961 fpm. 961-60=901 The minimum abscissa velocity shall start on 900 fpm. But if the beginning point of water penetration is 951 fpm, the minimum abscissa velocity shall start on 800 fpm. Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13): Section
The beginning point of water penetration curve Approved Catalog The starting point of water penetration curve shall be marked and/or labelled. AMCA 511-2410 (Rev. 11-13): Section
Louver Information in Water Penetration Curve Approved Catalog The Louver test size and test duration shall be included on the published results of each catalog series. Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13: Section 10.3.3
Beginning Point of Water Penetration in the Graph Approved Catalog Test Report
Wind Driven Rain
Wind-Driven Rain Approved Catalog Published rating shall include the following: Wind velocity Rainfall rate Core velocity Effectiveness Penetration class Discharge loss Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13): Section 9.3.1
WDR Data from Test Report Approved Catalog
Sound Performance for Acoustical Louver
Sound Performance Rating Requirement Acoustical ratings shall be as free field noise reduction (dB) in the 2nd through 7th octave bands. Example from Approved Catalog Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13): Section 11.3.1
Sound Transmission Loss Test Report Approved Catalog
Sound Performance Data Test Report Approved Catalog
Catalog Identification
Catalog Identification Approved Catalog Catalog identification reference (e.g. Catalog No. XXX Rev. 1), and unabbreviated current catalog date, (e.g. November 2004) shall be on the outside front or back cover. Where ratings are on separate sheets or on loose leaf that may be removed from the cover, each sheet or loose leaf shall be identified and dated as above. Ref. AMCA 11-03 (Rev. 10-13): Section 11.1.1
Seal and Statements
Qualifying Statement “(Licensee's name as shown on License Agreement) certifies that the (product description) shown herein is (or are) licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program.” ABC Corporation certifies that Models AB707; UA777 and AA631 are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to water penetration, air performance and wind-driven rain. Ref. AMCA 511-10 (Rev. 11-13) Section 5.1 and Section 5.2
Other Statements The qualifying statement shall be shown on the inside cover or first page, or prominently on a subsequent page. Please indicate which products are licensed, and on what pages the certified ratings are shown. If the catalog contains all licensed products, the seal and qualifying statement shall be prominently displayed either on the cover or in the catalog. If the catalog contains both licensed and unlicensed products, the AMCA Seal and qualifying statement shall not be shown on the outside cover. Ref. AMCA 11-03 (Rev. 10-13) Section 11.4
Resource AMCA Publication 511-10 (Rev. 12-15) Certified Ratings Program Product Rating Manual for Air Control Devices AMCA Publication 11-03 (R2008) (Rev. 10/13) Operating Manual