AAPL20 Pos 2-Level pTrees Index by (Term,Doc) Pred = npz; Stride=5 check course custom out peeps trade $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC2 https://t.co/gbgTQasq22 13 1 14 15 23 56 79 87 90 96 DOC1 AAPL helping her hype iwatch moments sensitive T# Lev1 Lev0 2 1 19 20 33 36 46 68 course info more visit $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC3 https://t.co/JCchDkM3kZ 14 1 34 48 87 90 96 83 24 custom keep losing market money program sign today trade up $AAPL$FB $TWTR DOC4 https://t.co/OSDAgXzNFf 15 1 38 42 47 60 70 43 26 78 80 87 90 79 96 course custom peeps trade $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC5 https://t.co/XRD1mBpDdE 14 1 28 79 90 96 87 15 56 all happy new peeps prosperous safe year $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC6 5 1 50 61 86 87 65 18 56 90 96 Course peeps take trade $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC7 https://t.co/DOTIjn3zTh 14 1 56 79 90 96 87 22 76 alerts multi-day peeps runners stock $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC8 https://t.co/ZcZhF2AWSE 4 1 29 64 87 90 72 49 56 96 alerts day pass trade $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC9 https://t.co/5rssX3gnPY 4 1 16 21 54 79 87 90 96 alerts day pass trade $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC10 https://t.co/5rssX3gnPY 4 1 16 21 54 79 87 90 96 course mentor online street trade $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC11 https://t.co/jGJNzj6I5i 14 1 25 44 52 73 79 87 90 96 2015 might reasons shares Starbucks three $AAPL $DNKN $GMCR $GOOG DOC12 http://t.co/oZKXEI87ZK 1 30 45 62 69 71 77 87 89 91 92 alerts big peeps sign trade up week winners $AAPL $BAC $FB $TWTR DOC13 https://t.co/ZcZhF2AWSE 4 1 8 29 56 70 79 80 84 85 87 88 90 96 Alerts join list out sign stock today up $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC14 https://t.co/ZcZhF2AWSE 4 1 29 37 40 53 70 72 78 80 87 90 96 chart looking nice peeps play swing trade value $AAPL $FB $JAKK $TWTR DOC15 http://t.co/u8VxUQotTw 12 1 41 32 51 56 58 75 79 81 87 90 94 96 day pay run subs trade $AAPL $BAC $FB $TWTR 2.7 3.77 DOC16 https://t.co/vvdQfCSmj5 16 1 27 55 96 98 100 90 88 87 79 74 63 Alerts lessons peeps sign trade up video week $AAPL $FB $TWTR DOC17 https://t.co/ZcZhF2AWSE 4 1 29 39 84 87 90 82 80 79 70 56 96 course email send trade $AAPL $FB $TWTR 0.75 DOC18 14 1 17 67 97 96 90 87 79 area breakout nice run today $AAPL $FB $IDRA $TWTR 3.5 DOC19 7 1 10 51 96 99 93 90 87 78 63 Kphrase (in sequence) and Kset pTrees: Ksets are created by OR-ing the kTerm pTrees. Note 2PhraseStartPos pTrees would involve #docs*#Words*#Words*#Pos cells so it could be too massive even for pTree technology! Terms=1Terms. Use downward closure (of ARM) to facilitate fast pTree creation for kPhrases from . We’ll select “content” kPhrases and create Position pTrees for them (with start positions). Since tweets are short and the vocab is long, it might be best to do this by just scanning the tweets by hand? I selected the following content 2phrases from AAPL20: custom trade; losing money; stock alert; multi-day runners; trade alerts; online trade; street mentor; daily chart; nice run; investor call; big winners; trade courses; nice breakout; customer trade; bond sale; trade mentorship; new year; daily alerts; value play. Each word in a content kphrase must be a content Term and be selected as a content kphrase (ALA, ARM downward closure). At the kth step we construct candidate content kphrases from pairs of content (k-1) pairs that coincide on (k-2) terms. Then delete all such kphrases that are non-content and/or have zero count. AAPL ahead bond call investor plans potential sale $AAPL DOC20 http://t.co/SkOpaK2vQS 2 1 3 9 59 66 57 35 31 11 87 Wds 87,88 (@APPL #BAC) in doc16, pos=17,18
AAPL20 Kphrases (in sequence): KSets (OR ofTerm pTrees) used like keyword lists (create on the fly?). For kphrases, use downward closure to facilitate fast pTree creation for kPhrases Select “content” kPhrases (StartPosition pTree = 1st Term SP) I selected these from AAPL20 by hand: sensitive moments, iwatch helping, helping hype, hype AAPL, custom trade; losing money; stock alert; multi-day runners; trade alerts; online trade; street mentor; daily chart; nice run; investor call; big winners; trade courses; nice breakout; customer trade; bond sale; trade mentorship; new year; daily alerts; value play. DOC1 Sensitive moment her iwatch helping hype AAPL sensitive-moments iwatch-helping hype-AAPL T# Lev1 Lev0 2 1 19 20 33 36 46 68 68 &46= So we might just indicate in the header if a Term launches a Content2Phrase, Content3Phrase, … as follows: Phrases: 2 3 2 T# DOC13 sign up trade alerts course big winners week https://t.co/ZcZhF2AWSE $FB $AAPL $TWTR peeps Lev1 Lev0 70 1 80 79 4 14 8 85 84 29 90 87 96 56 Phrases: 2 2 2 T# DOC1 Sensitive moment her iwatch helping hype AAPL Lev1 Lev0 2 1 19 20 33 36 46 68 Observations: On the previous page I sorted using a software that put the terms in a strange order (which is not a problem since we fully shuffle pTree placements anyway for our pTreeSet Security Mechanism anyway). However on this page I put them in position order so we could indicate phrases easily. If we shuffle, the phrase array can be as shown here and matched up to the Term list after retrieval. Also note that I discovered many errors on the previous page (sorry – too lazy to go through and correct them all). 13 1 53 Phrases: 3 T# DOC2 Check out custom trade course $AAPL $TWTR peeps Lev1 Lev0 15 79 14 87 96 56 Phrases: 2 T# DOC12 $SBUX three reasons starbucks shares might 2015 http://t.co/oZKXEI87ZK $SBUX $AAPL $GOOG $DKDN $$GMCR Lev1 Lev0 1 77 62 71 69 45 30 95 87 92 89 91 1. At one of those sensitive moments 2. Check out my custom trading mentorship 3. For more info on our courses 4. Keep losing money in the market? 5. Custom trading classes with us. https://t.co 6. Happy new year to all! Have 7. Take a trading course with us! 8. Get stock alerts here multi-day runners! 9. Day pass for our trading alerts 10. Day pass for our trading alerts 11. Online Trading Course's The Street Mentor 12. $SBUX Three Reasons Starbucks Shares Might 13. Sign up for our trading alerts 14. Hot list of stocks out today 15. Nice looking daily chart on $JAKK 16. Been a nice run for sub's 17. Sign up for our daily trading 18. Send me an email for the 19. $IDRA could run to the $3.50 20. $AAPL Apple plans investor call ahead give her a iwatch helping the courses here: https://t $AAPL $TWTR visit us here: https $FB $AAPL Sign up for a custom trading $FB $AAPL $TWTR Peeps #investing #trading a safe and prosperous new year! https://t.co $FB $AAPL $TWTR Peeps #stocks https://t.co $FB $AAPL $TWTR peeps here: https://t.co$FB $AAPL $TWTR #stocks https://t.co $FB $AAPL $TWTR Traders. Stay Hot In 2015 http: #IBDNews here Big winners this week. https: Sign up for our daily alerts for a swing trade here. $TWTR from $2.70 trade' at $3.77 AH_ alerts and weekly video lessons here! 75% off trading courses here $FB area today. Nice breakout here. $FB of a potential bond sale: WSJ hype AAPL peeps. $TWTR #stocks #trading mentorship program with today https $FB #stocks #trading #investig $FB $AAPL $TWTR #investing #daytrading via @IBDinvestor$SBUX $AAPL $GOOG $DNKN $FB $AAPL $TWTR Peeps here! https://t.co$FB $AAPL $TWTR Join $FB $AAPL Peeps value play. http: Nice pay day $TWTR $AAPL $BAC https $AAPL $TWTR Peeps $AAPL $TWTR Traders $AAPL $TWTR Traders. http @YahooFinance19. $AAPL $TWTR $GMCR us! u8V $FB https Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20