What is the Common European Framework? ●The CEF provides a common basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, exams, textbooks, etc across Europe
It describes in a comprehensive way what language learners have to learn to do in order to use a language for communication and what knowledge and skills they have to develop so as to be able to act effectively.
Why is the CEF so important?
Did you know that ….?
Welcome to the Common European Family !
Learning Cycle
The 5 E-s Learning Framework
Common Reference Levels One of the aims of the Framework is to help partners to describe the levels of proficiency required by existing standards, tests & exams in order to facilitate comparisons between different systems of qualifications
Overall Spoken Interaction
The process of developing new sets of language specifications
Well done …..Good for you !
The CRL is a tool for future planning & a basis for further development
We are the World
Common European Framework Liana Avanesyan Metsamor High School N2 Common European Framework Armavir 2013