FAQ’s for Plagiarism
Copyright Law Protect Intellectual Property Trademark Prosecuted
Are all published works copyrighted? No Law only protects original ideas or info
What about the facts? Yep Except common knowledge - encyclopedias
Can I burn CD’s and DVD’s One copy – only if it is lost or stolen and that’s if you actually bought it. Otherwise you have to get permission
What about music from the Internet? Only if it is purchased from a reputable site Or if the song was published before 1922
What about putting songs on myspace or a blog? NOPE – you are not allowed to repost anything without permission from the author
How Much I copied was a little You are still in trouble Academic Trouble – zero tolerance Legal Trouble – Fine of $1100-$50,000 Institutional Trouble – You may lose your job
What is a Citation? Tells reader that your info came from another source Gives more credibility to your writing
When should I cite? Any time your borrow words or ideas
Reading Sources and Taking Notes
Summary Used to get main points Introduce in exact order Delete. Do not change tone Do not include your ideas (use only the authors) ¼ to 1/3 of the original
Paraphrase Translate technical material Complex material
How to Paraphrase 1. Introduce the source 2. Indicate Author’s Main and Minor Points Statistics used to explain them 3. Follow order and emphasis 4. Quote brief phrases Convey tone No other way to say it 5. Same length or longer than the original
Direct Quotation Record Word for Word Do not correct. If you want to add to the quote place your information in [brackets]
Prevent Plagiarism Ask Your Teacher Plan Take Good Notes When Not sure, CITE WHO said WHAT
Why we Plagiarize Their words are better than mine Good Grade Everyone else is doing it Poor Planning
Terms Works Cited Citation Common Knowledge Copyright Facts Plagiarism
Information Came From www.plagiarism.org/research_site/e_home.html