Parables of the Lost Luke 15.


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Presentation transcript:

Parables of the Lost Luke 15

Parables of the Lost Introduction Lk 15:2, the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receives sinners and eats with them Jesus responds teaching 3 parables The Lost Sheep The Lost Coin The Lost (Prodigal) Son Parables of the Lost

Lk 15:11-13, Son Takes his Inheritance and Waste on Riotous Living Son was eager to leave home Premature Father gracious to give inheritance Wasted it on riotous living 15:30, Brother said he wasted it on Harlot’s Parables of the Lost Lost Son

Parables of the Lost Lk 15:14-19, He Repents Lost Son Vs. 14, Famine Wasted all his wealth Riotous living Without self-control Lived for the moment He made many poor decisions All his “friends” abandoned him Parables of the Lost Lost Son

Parables of the Lost Lk 15:14-19, He Repents Lost Son Vs. 14, Famine Vs. 15-16, wanted eat the hog feed Worst of the worst Unclean animal Vs. 17-19, Came to himself Humbled Rational Common response to hardship Heb 12:5-13, chastening of the Lord Parables of the Lost Lost Son Indication that he was no long accepted with the Jews, his own county men. They would not have hogs!

Parables of the Lost Lk 15:20-24, Fathers Response Lost Son Defined by – Compassion, Mercy, & Grace Eagerly accepts him back Saw his son a long ways off Runs out to meet him Embraced Him Adorned him with clothing Brings him the best robe Gave him a ring Gave him shoes Parables of the Lost Lost Son

Parables of the Lost Lk 15:20-24, Fathers Response Lost Son Defined by – Compassion, Mercy, & Grace Eagerly accepts him back Adorned him with clothing Prepared a great feast Killed the fatted calf Eat and be merry Parables of the Lost Lost Son The fathers response is the definition of grace; nothing was owed the son, if anything the son owed his father the father assumed the debt and then gave generously Where is the chastisement? Wasted my life long work!

Parables of the Lost Lk 15:20-24, Fathers Response Lost Son Compassion, Mercy, & Grace What he did not do… Chastise or Rebuke Ridicule or Mock Harbor ill will Charge him with his debt Parables of the Lost Lost Son Similarly the shepherd did not chastise the lost sheep but carried it back to the flock Justice might require some of these, but God is not all just. We do not punish good, the good is that the son repented. Do not pile on.

Parables of the Lost Lk 15:25-30, Older Son Lost Son Vs. 28-30, Angry Because of the loss of inheritance? Because of jealousy Party for “heathen” brother and he was without reproach Grace shown by Father Not righteousness indignation Directed at sin not the sinner Parables of the Lost Lost Son

Parables of the Lost Lk 15:31-32, Fathers Pep Talk – Older Son You are always here You will inherit all that I have We Rejoice Brother who was dead is not alive Brother who was lost is now found Parables of the Lost Lost Son

Parables of the Lost Who are the Lost? Finding the Lost Lessons Any and all/within-without You & Me Not just “sinners” How much more this applies to one that is a brother Finding the Lost Sometimes we need to find them Sometimes they find us Parables of the Lost Lessons The Lost are not just those without the church; these “sinners” were Jews! Sometimes we spend our time looking at other people failures and overlooking our own; We need to learn to stop looking at others, it is ‘I’

Parables of the Lost Proper response in restoring Lessons Encourage A time for lifting up Compassion, Mercy, & Grace The Shepherd carried the sheep The Father was Gracious to his son God is Gracious to us sinners Jas 2:13, justice w/o mercy Rejoice God and angels do Parables of the Lost Lessons No further debt! All assumed by God and Christ Important aspect of this parable, the actual purpose of this parable - God is gracious to the “Lost” not the “found” The “Found” here are the Pharisees who gave the pretense they were righteous, figurative language. Not literal. Mt 5, righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees, figurative language, they were not righteouse.

Parables of the Lost Who Are The Lost? Finding The Lost Proper Response In Restoring Parables of the Lost Summary We need to learn to stop looking at others, it is ‘I’

Parables of the Lost Praise God for his Grace! Rejoice in Salvation! Summary