Reading Interventionist News Kathi McCormick Reading Interventionist News I am so excited to still be located in Room #104 this year! The beautiful Dr. Seuss wreath will help direct you to my Reading Lab. Beginning Aug. 29, I will be open each morning at 7:45 for students that like to come early and read, work on literacy skills and take AR Tests. I will be testing our K-3 students on reading skills with our DIBELS assessment beginning Monday, August 15. This is an individual assessment that I will administer to each child. DIBELS is an acronym for Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. We do this assessment in the Beginning, Middle and End of each year to ensure that all students are acquiring the skills necessary to decode words and comprehend text. Students are involved in graphing their progress and setting personal learning goals in their Data Notebooks. These notebooks help students take ownership of their progress and are always available for you to view. You will receive a letter explaining your child’s scores. I meet regularly with your child’s classroom teacher so that we can form groups and share activities to support your child’s personal learning path. I am looking forward to working with all of the students, teachers and parents this year! Close communication is at the top of my list of success tips! I am always happy to schedule a time to talk about your child’s progress and provide you with ways to help your child achieve personal goals. Read, Read, Read! Straight from the Seuss’ mouth! “You have Brains in your Head. You have Feet in your Shoes. You can Steer yourself any Direction you Choose. “