Establishment of a new Financing Facility
What type of Skills Development Initiatives will be funded? The facility will provide grant funding for priority investment areas, relevant for the country’s change agenda. For example: Construction of facilities Rehabilitation and/or extension of facilities Equipment of workshops and classrooms Provision of scholarships Image campaigns Regional/continental skills competitions ICT based approaches to skills development Entrepreneurship/mentorship programs
Who can apply?
How does the application process work? NEPAD launches specific calls for proposals for 3 different funding windows Applicants will be guided and supported with information material and templates for the compilation of requested information Projects will be selected by a NEPAD led Investment Committee Implementation agreement concluded between the applicant and NEPAD
Competitive Applications within 3 Funding Windows Large Investment Projects min. €3 million/project TVET Programs of African Entities Establishment of Training Centres of Excellence for a key economic sector, Construction of Training Facilities, Technical Equipment, Scholarship; also Training of Trainers National public and private entities that are active in the local skills development sector Call will be launched Q3-Q4 2018. International Window € 1,0 – 1,5 million/project TVET Programs with International Participation Investments in Training Facilities, Technical Equipment, Infrastructure as well as Scholarships for Students; also Training of Trainers International Private Sector Entities with National Partner Mandatory: At least 30% own financial contribution Call for proposals closed 31st July 2017. Innovation Window € 0,2 – 1,0 million/project Smaller & Innovative Projects Innovative Incubation Projects, Projects aiming at improving the reputation of TVET, Skills Development Competition, Business Incubators etc. National Public and Private Entities that are active in skills development Call will be launched Q3-Q4 2018. How to apply:
Evaluation criterias – International window Minimum criteria Eligible Applicant Eligible Type of Project Ready to be implemented project Complete Documentation submitted Consideration of Gender Aspects Minimum Size and Counterpart Funding Private Sector Involvement Assessment specific criteria Status of Preparation Regional Impact Positive Impact on Access for female students Positive Impact on Access for students from low income groups, refugees and migrants Degree of Private Sector Involvement Counterpart Funding
In the spirit of African Union theme of 2017: Let’s harness the demographic dividend through investments in youth! Thank you!