Welcome to Religion 10 “In the days ahead, you will either be a mystic (one who has experienced God for real) or nothing at all.” – Karl Rahner
What is Language? It is the systematic combination of signs, symbols and sounds in human communication. It is exclusively a human activity. Not every communication is uses language. Language as a human activity has to do with synthax, semantics and grammar.
Characteristics of Language It can be oral /vocal It can be written It can be signed
Parts of language Semantics: It is the study of the meaning of language –words, phrases, signs and symbols. Syntax: Is a set of rules used to order the structure of language. Pragmatic: It is the contextual use of language.
Purpose of Language The primary function of language is to communicate. Ideas/beliefs/thought World view/perspective *ourselves
First quarter of the year God and the Church The human person Maturity Morality
God’s good Creation