Understanding Motivations and Needs Peta Irvine LGMA Queensland
Motivations and Needs What motivates you to act/energises you? When are you most satisfied in your role? When you are unhappy in your role, why?
Behaviours and Stereotypes of Sensing and iNtuition types Lives in the present, looks for information in the realities of now Looks toward the future, looks for information in the possibilities to come Prefers a practical, hands-on approach Prefers an imaginative approach Attention is drawn to pieces or parts Attention is drawn to patterns and relationships Prefers to focus on details to understand concepts Prefers to focus on the ‘big picture’ to understand how the pieces fit Takes things in order, one step at a time Takes things in any order, skips or misses steps Likes consistency, routine, established procedures Prefers to change/adjust process each time, often fails to reference rules or stick to templates Stereotypes N’s can think S’s are too literal and materialistic S’s can think N’s are unrealistic dreamers
Life Shaping Experiences
Behaviours and Stereotypes of Thinking and Feeling types Decisions based on overarching principles Decisions based on personal values Prefers to analyse using ‘logic’ Prefers to empathise Prefers an objective view from outside the situation Prefers a subjective view from inside the information Most concerned with fairness Most concerned with uniqueness First impulse is to correct, improve and critique First impulse is to appreciate and encourage Expects feedback to focus on problem solving first, support second Expects feedback to focus on support first, problem solving second Stereotypes F’s can believe that T’s are cold-hearted T’s can believe that F’s are too emotional
Practical Application Review Reflect Question Plan/Assess Practical Application
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