Good afternoon, how wonderful it is spend so much time with each other on these third Sundays. What a blessing it truly is. This afternoon I would like for us to take a moment and be reminded of the wonders of the resurrected child of God. There are two points I want us to consider on this idea today. We were resurrected to become new creations. We were resurrected to walk in a newness of life. With this in mind let us look at our first point. (SLIDE)
Paul clearly points this very thing out to the Corinthians. (SLIDE)
Notice “if” we are in Christ we are a new creation. (SLIDE)
A new creation is... That which he/she has never been before. In other words, everyone that obeys the gospel becomes a completely new person. Not physically but spiritually. [this means…]
Again Paul demonstrates this point (SLIDE)
As new creations or completely new people spiritually, we are to walk in a completely new way spiritually. We worked hard for Satan, let us now worker harder for God. This new walk means... Our focus must change from “self first” to “God first.” (SLIDE)
This new walk means... Our morals must be superior to our previous life. Whether its drinking alcoholic beverages (Ephesians 5:18), gambling (Colossians 3:5), or Sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18-20) we must change our morals to fit God’s standards.
Henri Frederic Amiel once said, “It is not what he has, nor even what he does, which directly expresses the worth of a man, but what he is.” Brethren, as children of God are you living as if you are a completely different person than you were before you obeyed the gospel? Invitation