Background: the draft strategy Equal Opportunities Committee Report (2015) recommendation Draft launched January 2018 Our Vision Defining social isolation and loneliness Priority 1 Empower communities to lead Priority 2 Play our part Engagement events across Scotland Toolkit Citizen Space consultation platform
The Consultation 400 + Responses from individuals and organisations 17+ Written summaries from public engagement events 1 Analysis of written responses 2 Synthesise findings from responses
Consultation Responses: emerging themes and identified features of support Transport, housing, public spaces and digital technology Policies and regulation; sustainable funding; education and training; design and delivery of support
A Connected Scotland: the final strategy
Priority 1: Empower communities and build shared ownership Review further devolution of decision making, consider work of the local governance review Work with third sector partners to develop a resource which supports greater consideration of social isolation and loneliness in policy and decision-making Connect with work on the Older People’s Framework to tackle negative perceptions of older people and challenge barriers faced by people as they age Review how to align other policy goals and intentions with the ambitions of this strategy Commission research to support improved understanding of SIAL at points of key life transitions Convene private/business sector roundtable to explore what more the sector can do
Priority 2: Promote positive attitudes and tackle stigma Implement the recommendations of the PSE review to support positive and healthy relationships Work with stakeholders to better understand what works in reducing and tackling stigma As part of the legacy of YOYP Consider with partners what more we can do to promote intergenerational dialogue
Priority 3: Create opportunities for people to connect Consider existing best practice in supporting people to know what’s going on in their local area, and look at how to roll this out further Work with key partners to raise awareness of the value of befriending and support work to build capacity within the sector Utilise our new National Volunteering Outcomes Framework to set out a coherent and compelling for volunteering, drawing on evidence and data gathered Work with older age groups to understand how digital tech can add value to their lives in a meaningful way (Digital Strategy for Scotland)
Priority 4: Support an infrastructure that fosters connections Work with health and social care integration authorities to consider their role in addressing SIAL, and how to best share good practice Publish a National Implementation Plan to embed self-directed support in social care nationally and locally Pilot innovative housing solutions for older people, testing intergenerational and other co-living arrangements to meet housing needs and reduce SIAL Commence a review of Scotland’s National Planning Framework, and consider how local development plans can better support communities with greater opportunities for social interaction Working with key stakeholders, deliver an online hub focused on reducing unintentional harm that includes a number of examples that can help reduce SIAL
Priority 4 cont.: Support an infrastructure that fosters connections Review our National Transport Strategy, with accessibility identified as a key theme. Make improvements to the transport system through provisions in our wide-ranging Transport Bill. Modernise our Accessible Travel Framework to speed up implementation, seeking to make journeys easier for people with accessibility issues Make Through our culture strategy, work to increase access to culture and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate Through our first strategy for public libraries, work to build on the existing offer of libraries used as community hubs
Taking a collaborative approach
Implementation: collaboration, timescales and progress reporting Ministerial Steering Group to maintain oversight of activity and drive forward progress This strategy will run 2018 – 2026 Progress reports every two years (2020, 2022, 2024) .
Questions? Lawrence Mearns Policy Officer, Scottish Government Equality, Human Rights and Third Sector Division