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Presentation transcript:

Focus on what’s really important Input for the strategic discussion on CIS MSFD, MSCG 4-5/2/2013 Wim van Urk, Netherlands delegation 29 April 2019

Looking back: some personal observations (1) On the plus – side: + Tightening working plan, increasing strategical focus + Working together on common understanding + Taking on emerging issues: marine litter, underwater noise, cumulation, climate change, acidification + Bridging between MSFD, WFD, BHD, Biodiversity Strategy Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 29 April 2019

Looking back: some personal observations (2) However, on the down-side: Loosing a lot of time and energy on harmonization, definitions and detail Enough risk based approach, targeted action? Do we realise enough what’s already being done witihin existing policy/legislation/conventions related to GES? Not working from the heart of the MSFD: focus on what needs to be done to reach good environmental status In the mean while: difficult to explain to our politicians and civilians “what we are doing in Brussels” Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 29 April 2019

Looking forward: some input for discussion Focus on proportionality and subsidiarity, from the heart of the directive: Art. 1.1: Member states shall take the necessary measures Art 1.3: Management of human activities Art 3.5: GES at regional or sub regional level, adaptive management Art 5.2 + Art. 6: MS sharing a (sub) region shall cooperate to ensure that measures and elements of the marine strategy are coherent and coordinated, using existing cooperation structures including RSC’s Art. 8.1 (b): predominant pressures and impacts 14.4: risk based approach to all elements of the Marine Strategy Art 8.2/ComDec A2, Art. 13.2: Taking into account assessments and relevant measures under other EU-legislation and regional conventions Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 29 April 2019

Hints for focus on future CIS-work Risk based approach (sub) regional coordination taking account of other legislation and convention What is the focus of the Commission itself: 7th EAP, MSFD-implementation: focus on sustainable fishery (CFP) and litter, beside implementation of other EU-legislation/policy Regional action plans So, what should our focus in the CIS-MSFD be? Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 29 April 2019