Orlando/Winter Park Branch EFFC 2019 Workshop: STEM Projects of the American Association of University Women Mission: To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy Leslie Sue Lieberman, Ph.D. President, lslieberman@gmail.com Hanna Kruczek, Ph.D., STEM Coordinator, hkruczek@gmail.com Anne Bubriski-McKenzie, PhD., UCF University Representative Anne.bubriski@ucf.edu
STEM Education
AAUW Research Publications on Women in STEM 2010 2016 2013
Our STEM Partners Our Legacy STEM Partners AAUW STEM PARTNERS
STEM Fields perhaps exotic--- but with superior powers And--- Viewed as a bit strange and perhaps exotic--- but with superior powers Women in STEM Fields And--- Absolutely intrepid---to go boldly where few women have gone before
Biases Against Girls in STEM 1. Implicit (unconscious) gender bias (Implicit Association Tests) What is it? The belief that people act on the basis of internalized schemas of which they are unaware and engage in discriminatory behaviors without conscious intent. What are some of these? What can be done about it? “Debiasing” Train teachers, parents, counselors to be aware of implicit bias and change their behaviors (Ex: snap judgements, elitist behaviors, euphemized bias, etc.) Avoid making girls feel they don’t belong: classroom set-up, décor (geeky, masculine v. pictures of women scientists), invite women speakers in STEM Inclusion in math, science, robotics, chess clubs, science fairs Equal participation in hands-on activities and experiments (spatial skills) Use Title X ( gender equity in education) to counter inequalities of opportunities at your school and in science competitions Produce media that does not perpetuate gender stereotypes in news and popular culture.
Biases Against Girls in STEM 2. Stereotype threat What is it? performance of girls suffer because they worry about confirming negative stereotypes What can be done about it? Set homework, exam expectations the same for both boys and girls instilling confidence to achieve with positive messaging Exposure to women role models (all positions, ages, ethnicities) in STEM Report test scores separately by gender
Biases Against Girls in STEM 3. Promotion of growth mind-set What is it ? What can be done about it? Emphasizing math, computer skills, etc. are learned and not innate Praising the effort rather than intelligence Using strategy rather than comfort talk motivates students Separating classes based on experience, skill level for better sense of belonging Appling skill and knowledge to real life situations is motivating for girls
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