STF393 Status TTCN-3 Language Maintenance 12-2010 Gyorgy Rethy
TTCN-3 language maintenance and status TTCN-3 maintenance in 2010 STF 393: January (March) 2010 – December 2010 (78 mDays) Members: Gyorgy Rethy, Ericsson Jens Grabowski, University of Goettingen Ina Schieferdecker, Fraunhofer FOKUS Jacob Wieland, TestingTech Benjamin Zeiss, University of Goettingen Sessions 22–26 March 2010 28 June–02 July 2010 30 August–03 September 2010 29 November–02 December 2010 TTCN-3 deliverables (acc. to ToR) TTCN-3 language standards, depending on receiving CRs (beginning of 2011) ES 201 873 parts v4.3.1 4 extension packages v1.2.1 Proforma for TTCN-3 Test Suite v1.2.1, depending on receiving CRs (beg. of 2011) 13 December 2010 TTCN-3 language maintenance and status
TTCN-3 language maintenance and status STF 393 - Tasks Resolution and implementation of CRs Scope: Parts 1 and 4 to 10 of the ES 201 873 series The 4 extension packages Proforma for TTCN-3 reference test suite Cooperation with STF 160 on LTE testing Preparation of the deliverables for ETSI publication and the “interim” version for 3GPP 13 December 2010 TTCN-3 language maintenance and status
TTCN-3 language maintenance and status STF 393 - Work done Session 22-26 March 2010 Resolved/closed CRs: 23 (of those 1 rejected) In addition: resolved CRs has been added to edition v4.2.1, therefore part of the STF work has already been approved Session 28 June-02 July 2010 Resolved/closed CRs: 18 (of those 9 has been included into Part-1 v4.2.2) The „interim“ version v4.2.2 (the core only) has been prepared and made available on the ETSI server, in MTS‘s drafts area Session 30 August-03 September 2010 Resolved/closed CRs: 18 Session 29 November-02 December 2010 Resolved/closed CRs: 36 Assigned (target is v4.3.1/v1.2.1): 17 Remaining CRs, scheduled for 2011: 21 13 December 2010 TTCN-3 language maintenance and status
STF 393 – Drafts under preparation for approval TTCN-3 Part-1: Core Language V4.3.1 (39 CRs) TTCN-3 Part-4: Operational Semantics V4.3.1 TTCN-3 Part-5: TTCN-3 Runtime Interface V4.3.1 (3 CRs) TTCN-3 Part-6: TTCN-3 Control Interface V4.3.1 (8 CRs) TTCN-3 Part-7: Using ASN.1 with TTCN-3 V4.3.1 (1 CR) TTCN-3 Part-8: Using IDL with TTCN-3 V4.3.1 (1 CR) TTCN-3 Part-9: Using XML with TTCN-3 V4.3.1 (8 CRs) TTCN-3 Part-10: TTCN-3 docum. tags V4.3.1 (4 CRs) Ext. pack: Advanced Parameterization V1.2.1 (2 CRs) Ext. pack: Behaviour Types V1.2.1 (3 CRs) Ext. pack: Test Conf. and Depl. Support V1.2.1 (1 CR) Already approved: Ext. pack: TTCN-3 Reference test suite V1.1.1 No CR resolved: Ext. pack: Real-Time and Performance Testing 13 December 2010 TTCN-3 language maintenance and status