2001-2002 Compliance Commitment for English Language Learners LOCAL DISTRICT G 2001-2002 Compliance Commitment for English Language Learners ELL Catch-up Plans
Monitor & Assist Schools Ensure compliance with all English Learner program goals and requirements. Address high expectations for teaching and learning.
Evaluate Programs for EL Analyze student achievement in: English Language Development Core Content Areas classes - Language Arts - Math
Coordinated EL Interventions Provide Systemic Opportunities to Improve Teaching Learning before irreparable deficits occur.
ELD Catch-up Plan EL 3a: Inadequate ELD Progress Schools must have a plan of action which provides additional services that allow English learners to catch-up to grade-level English language arts.
Core Catch-up Plan EL 3b: Below-grade-level achievement in core content areas Schools must have a plan of action which allows English learners to recoup academic deficits incurred while acquiring English.
Narrative Components Standards, Assessments, and Achievement Benchmarks Monitoring and Evaluation Interventions
CELDT UPDATE: Master Plan Program Differentials When CELDT results are available for affected classes, schools are to update and submit revised and signed differential rosters with new SIS printouts to Master Plan Verification Unit, Room G-300.
CELDT UPDATE: Master Plan Program Survey Data As additional initial CELDT results are received from the state’s vendor and students are classsified as ELs, the District will add these identified ELs to the Master Plan Survey Program count.
ELD Program Grant Opportunity A partnership of the Riordan, the Conrad N. Hilton and the Annenberg Foundations offers schools with a base ELD program a challenge grant that includes the following: Training for designated K-3 teachers Matching funds at 75% to 25% Purchase of ELD instructional materials Computer hardware and software Assessment and Evaluation
CCR/EL REVIEW 2002 State CCR Review teams will visit additional schools in the District to review English Learner program implementation. Selected Local District G schools may be notified to anticipate a review later in May-June, 2002.
Board Highlights, Feb. 12, 2002: Revision of the Structured English Immersion (SEI) Program for English Learners Based on studies of the programs in place, Board members approved the merger of English Immersion Models A and B into a new and revised SEI program.