HEC Beam Test Software schematic view T D S MC events ASCII-TDS converter ASCII Data file MC-TDS converter EPIO-ASCII converter T D S HEC raw beam test data EPIO EPIO-TDS converter hec_adc monitoring ntuple user analysis HEC-MC GEANT3 user analysis ATHENA framework hec_adc framework 9 May 2019 M. Lefebvre
HEC Beam Test OO Software Recent changes: MySQL bookkeeping added - will commit software this week Immediate work: Objectivity converter (Annecy) EPIO converter - milestone for July LARG Week Long term jobs: couple code into LARG software - detector description, calibration, reconstruction
LARG Database Many activities - little to no manpower detector description DB write an interface to provide access to the cell location stored in Objectivity or XML objectivity DB need to put LArHits into Objectivity (by end June) production DB (no time) calibration DB EM testbeam group are using MySQL for constants
Grid Research - I We have created a small Grid testbed between Victoria-TRIUMF using the Globus toolkit Bob Kowalewski, Asoka De Silva, Ashok Agarwal, Jan van Uytven we are currently testing how to handle I/O from a simple job that writes out random numbers in parallel we are learning how to use CONDOR on the testbed - CONDOR is a batch scheduler that is used in our Linux cluster - CONDOR is “grid enabled” our short term goal is be able to run a simple particle physics generator or simulation job over the grid our long term goal is to do BaBar MC production over the Grid - this requires use of Objectivity
Grid Research - II We are collaborating with HPC Group in NRC, Ottawa and helping researchers in Windsor to establish their Grid Their goals are a bit different than ours. They are interested in creating a distributed parallel processing facility. We would like to increase our effort by hiring a dedicated person as well as making a more realistic testbed We have been funded by C3.ca Association and (I hope) by NSERC We are discussing funding with C3.ca and CANARIE Bob and I will likely submit a grant to NSERC for Grid research See wwwgrid.phys.uvic.ca