Popular MN Trees & Shrubs Source: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/trees_shrubs/deciduous/americanelm.html
Dendrology ‘Dendro-’ from the Greek word meaning tree ‘-ology’ meaning the study of Dendrology is the study of trees and includes taxonomy, identification, silivical characteristics, ranges, morphology, and ecology
Forested The definition of forested =land that is forested or has trees growing on it
Sugar Maple Form Height 80‘ +, symmetrical. Bark On young trees light gray to brown and somewhat smooth; on older trees gray to almost black with irregular plates or scales. Twigs are smooth and reddish-brown with sharp-pointed winter buds. Leaf Simple, opposite on stem, length 3" to 5"; three- to five-pointed, smooth-edged lobes Fruit (seed) = samaras
Balsam fir Form Medium size; height 40' to 60’ Bark Smooth, grayish, prominently marked by blisters filled with resin or balsam pitch. Leaf Needle-like, but flat; length 1/2" to 1" with rounded point; dark green above and silvery-white beneath. Fruit (seed) Cones upright on branches, purple, oblong; length 2" to 4"; become ripe in the autumn of the first year
Quaking Aspen Form Small to medium size; may reach height of 65' and diameter of 12" to 20“ Bark Thin, white to gray-green, almost smooth with black areas around base of limbs Leaf Simple, alternate on stem; small, broadly oval, short-pointed at end and finely toothed along margin;
Willow Form A large family of trees and shrubs; becomes large when growing along streams and other moist places; some trees are often 35' to 50' high; it usually has a short trunk and stout Bark Dark brown to gray on large trees; thick, rough, furrowed, and flaky.
Paper Birch Form: Height 65' to 70‘ Bark: Thin, papery; becomes pure white with age Leaf: Simple, alternate on stem, length 2" to 3"; oval or heart-shaped, turns light yellow in autumn.
Bur Oak Bark Thick, deeply furrowed on surface with irregular platelike broken scales often slightly tinged with red Leaf Simple, alternate on stem, length 6" to 12"; Fruit (seed) = Acorn
Red Cedar Form Straight trunk more or less grooved and broad conical head; height 25' to 50' when growing in good locations; Bark Thin, reddish-brown, peeling off in long, vertical shredlike strips. Leaf scalelike, quite sharp-pointed, spreading, and whitened underneath. Fruit (seed) A dark blue berrylike cone
White Spruce Form Height usually 40' to 60', occasionally 100', Bark Dark gray or gray-brown and scaly. Leaf Needlelike, four-sided, crowded along branchlets Fruit (seed) Slender cone, length about 2"
Red Dogwood
American Elm Form Large, height usually 50' to 70’ Bark Dark, ashy gray; divided into irregular, flat-topped, thick ridges; Leaf Simple, alternate on stem, length 4" to 6"; rather thick Fruit (seed) = Winged samara,
Red Pine Form Height 60' to 80’ Bark Becomes divided into large reddish-brown plates as it matures. Leaf Needle-like, occurs in clusters of two; dark green; 4" to 6"; breaks cleanly when bent. Fruit (seed) Cones are about 2" long, light brown fading to gray;