Treasurer’s & Examiner’s Workshop Monday 19th May 2014
Agenda 7.00 – 7.15 Registration & Welcome 7.15 – 7.30 Overview – The Treasurer’s Guide 7.30 – 7.45 The Rules and Regulations Including Bank mandates 7.45 – 8.00 Role of the Account Examiner 8.00 – 8.10 Charity / Benevolent Funds / Ladies Festivals/ Lotteries 8.10 – 8.35 Lodge Accounting / Useful spread sheets 8.35 – 8.45 The Need to be Solvent 8.45 – 9.00 Feedback & Close
Treasurer’s Guide Refer to Hand out 1 The documents you need What you need to do at (or before) the start of the year The duties of the Treasurer The year end – preparation After the year end The small print – where to look Backing up of computer records
Rules & Regulations & Bank Mandates The small print - Hand out 2 and example bank mandate Rule 74 Power to summon officers and brethren Rule 104c Secretary’s subscription Rule 143 Property, Furniture, Jewels, Books, Papers etc. of a lodge Rule 146 Annual return of members Rule 147 remittance of fees Rule 153 Treasurer’s duties and Lodge accounts Bank mandates – need to review annually
The Examiner's Checklist Refer to hand out 3 What the Treasurer needs to supply The work that the examiner’s need to do The small print
Charities Act 1993 & 2006 and Lotteries Act Refer to hand outs 4 &5 Fund raising Benevolent Funds Lodge accounts The Lotteries Act
Examples of spread sheets Lodge Accounts Examples of spread sheets The year ahead budget Members records Meeting records Cashbook Accounts Remember to include all funds – e.g. relief chest (Hand out 6) Annual return to PGL
The need to be Solvent Refer to Hand out 7
Please complete feedback form – hand out 8 Feedback & Close Please complete feedback form – hand out 8