理论与交叉学术交流系列报告(一四一) Vladimir I. Korobov 2016年4月22日上午10:00-11:30频标楼4楼会议室 Education and Degrees: 1974-1979: Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University. 1979: M.S. (in Mathematics): "The Vietoris Theorem in Homology and Cohomology Theories", Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University. 1989: Ph.D. (in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics): "Variational Approach to the Three-Body Problem and Its Application to the Muon Catalyzed Fusion", Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, JINR Dubna. 2006: Doctor of Science (in Theoretical Physics): "Variational Methods in the Quantum Three--Body Problem and Precision Spectroscopy", Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna. Professional Record: 1979-1985: Engineer, Research Institute "Atoll", Dubna. 1985-1991: Junior Scientist, Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, JINR, Dubna. 1991-2000: Senior Scientist, Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, JINR, Dubna. 2000-2006: Senior Scientist, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR Dubna. 2006-present: Leading Scientist, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna. Vladimir I. Korobov Doctor of Science Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Russia) Bound-state QED calculations and the hydrogen molecular ion spectroscopy In the last few years we achieved substantial progress in determination of transition frequencies in the hydrogen molecular ions H2+ and HD+. Particularly, the fundamental transitions for these ions were calculated with the fractional uncertainty of 7.5E-12. In our presentation we want to discuss the following topics: Numerical calculations of contributions of orders mα7 and mα8. The contributions of orders mα6 and higher have been obtained in the nonrecoil limit. Still our recent work [1] shows that some care should be taken in order to properly evaluate a complete contribution. We suggest a new formalism based on the adiabatic multichannel approximation, which allows to pose the problem in a more rigorous way. This new approach makes possible both to calculate the nonrecoil corrections of orders mα6 and higher and to get estimates on the nonadiabatic contributions, or in other words to set properly error bars of our calculation. As an example of application of this new formalism we want to consider relativistic corrections of order mα6. New values for the hyper_x000C_ne structure intervals willbe presented, which allow to bring agreement with precision experimental data by Jeerts [2] to a level of 1 ppm. Finally, we would like to discuss various applications of precision spectroscopy of light atoms and molecules. Particularly, its contribution to the fundamental physical constants, molecular optical clocks, tests of CPT invariance, etc. [1] PRL 116, 053003 (2016). [2] PRL 23, 1476(1969).