Insect Behavior It’s the bees’ knees!
COMMUNICATION Pheromones – chemical scent ant -leave trail, attract mates, etc. Sound – chirping, buzzing, etc. cricket Light – flashes firefly
HONEYBEE BEHAVIOR Social insects – live in colonies Innate behavior – genetic behavior, not learned
Worker Bees Sterile females Lifespan – 6 weeks Feed royal jelly to larvae and queen Gather nectar and pollen Sting to protect hive (dies after stinging)
Worker bee
Queen Bee Fed LOTS of royal jelly as larva Queen factor – pheromone queen secretes that prevents other larvae from becoming female queen REPRODUCE – mates once, can lay millions of eggs over 5 years Hive overcrowded, queen leaves with half of hive
Queen Bee Lifespan – 1-5 years
Drone Male bees Mate with queen Only few hundred in hive at one time Stingless
Bee Dances Round dance – circle right, circle left -told bees food source was near Waggle dance- waggled side to side -told bees food was far
Altruistic behavior – help others at the cost of yourself (stinging)
Nectar put into cell in comb, bees fan nectar with wings to evaporate water and make honey FYI – HONEY – field bee passes nectar to house bee – tongue to tongue Cover cell with wax