The Weather Station Model Draw a Station Model Get accompanying notes here ©Steve Kluge 2007 Some images from the NYSED Earth Science Reference Tables
196 19.6 919.6 1019.6 Decoding the Coded Pressure Insert a decimal point to the left of the last digit 19.6 Put a “9” and a “10” in front of the result 919.6 1019.6 Test the results against the range of normal atmospheric pressures 919.6 is below the range of normal pressures…. REJECTED! 1019.6 is within the range of normal pressures…. ACCEPTED! Coded pressure 196= 1019.6 mb Decode these coded pressures: 002 993 280 000 1000.2 999.3 1028.0 1000.0 Back to the Station Model How to encode pressures ©S. Kluge 2007
Encoding the Pressure 1013.5 Remove the decimal point 10135 Report the last 3 digits 135 Pressure 1013.5 = 135 encoded pressure Encode these pressures: 1032.7 987.3 1012.2 1000.1 327 873 122 001 Back to the Station Model Back to Decoding Pressures ©S. Kluge 2007
/ means the pressure is currently rising The Barometric Trend + 19 / + means “Higher now than it was 3 hours ago” (- means “Lower now than it was 3 hours ago”) 19 means the pressure has changed by 1.9 mb / means the pressure is currently rising ( \ means the pressure is currently falling) What was the pressure 3 hours ago? Here? 1017.7 1003.5 Back to the Station Model ©S. Kluge 2007
Back to the Station Model ©S. Kluge 2007
NE at 25 Knots E at 5 Knots SE at 10 Knots Back to the Station Model ©S. Kluge 2007
Draw a Station Model for These Conditions: Temperature= 45F Dewpoint= 32F Wind NE at 20 knots Overcast Visibility= 1.5 miles Rain Showers Pressure Now= 997.3 mb Pressure 3 hrs. ago= 1000.2mb Barometer Falling Precipitation in last 6 hrs.= .53 in. Back to the Station Model ©S. Kluge 2007