Welcome to the 4th semester Intro to S2017 CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Welcome to the 4th semester Intro to S2017 VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 JMOG 1
CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Agenda for the 1st day -Welcomming -Program for the day -Presentation of the teachers -This semester project/case -Program for this semester -Where to find the documents -Groups formatting -Each student present themselves -Lunch (12.00 – 14.00) -Handing out USB-sticks with the project -Presentation and work with group contract VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 2
CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Presentation of the teachers - Bent Michael, BMH@via.dk - Jesper Moegeltoft, JMOG@via.dk - Lene Raaholdt Christensen, LRC@VIA.DK - Jan Uwe Wolff, JUW@via.dk VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 3
This semester project: Two–storey building in Denmark CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 This semester project: Two–storey building in Denmark VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 4
Program for this semester 3 weeks CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Program for this semester 3 weeks 7 days – Course: Building Construction Course Design B 8 days – Course: Building Construction A VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 5
Program for this semester Week 1 CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Program for this semester Week 1 VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 6
Program for this semester Week 2 CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Program for this semester Week 2 VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 7
Program for this semester Week 3 CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Program for this semester Week 3 VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 8
CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Where to find the documents: http://www.tcu-via.com/index.php/4th-semester/case-2-two-storey-building VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 9
CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Groups formatting VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 10
Each student present themselves CASE 2 : Two-storey building VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2017 Each student present themselves Your name Your age Your family Where do you come from Where did you celebrate new year? Did you have any presents? VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop – S2017 11