A slide show about salutary neglect, the Navigation Acts, and privateers Colonial Rule(s)
Salutary Neglect The colonists in the New World were officially ruled by England England mostly let the colonies run themselves – this was called salutary neglect England had its own problems In England in the 1640s, there was fighting between the monarchy and Parliament The fight was over who should have more power in government: the king, or Parliament
Game of Thrones? After the Glorious Revolution in England, William and Mary, coming from Holland, became the new monarchs with permission of Parliament England and France became big rivals, and fought four big wars between 1689 and 1763, all across the world
Mercantilism Why? A video about the Navigation Acts Since the 1650s, the English had set up a laws called the Navigation Acts These laws regulated: What goods the colonists could manufacture What ships they could transport these goods in Where they could buy and sell Why? Because England was trying to use its laws to support its own businesses It didn’t want its own colonies to do trade with other European powers, and lose that valuable business This is called “mercantilism” A video about the Navigation Acts http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/the-navigation-act/17wep1w46
Privateers! Thanks to salutary neglect, many colonists ignored the Navigation Acts, which they found inconvenient. Some colonists became smugglers, trading goods illegally and not paying import taxes Some colonists became privateers. They got a “letter of marque”, which gave them official permission by the government of a colony to capture foreign ships, seize their booty, and sell the goods off without getting in trouble with the law New York was one of the major destinations for privateers to sell off their captured goods http://www.history.com/videos/life-aboard-a-pirate-ship#life-aboard-a-pirate-ship