Opinion Writing – how to reach your audience and finding something to say Aims and objectives To cover and explore the different ways of expressing your opinions. To uncover some of the rules to opinion pieces To share a selection of different type of opinions and voices in various mediums and forms and decipher why the writer has chosen particular platforms and how effective these are with regards to expressing points and reaching their audiences. To write a selection of your own opinion pieces trying different forms o writing from: journalistic, memoir, poetry, short story.
What kind of Tone? What kind of tone do you think each piece has? How does the language choices, the crafting help get the opinion across. What words and language techniques do you recognise that helps you…? Why have they chosen their specific platform/medium/form? Would the message work in other mediums etc? Try taking one of the issues and writing your own piece.
In my opinion https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=enter+shakira+system&&view=detail &mid=3786650F0AF13C97550D3786650F0AF13C97550D&&FORM=VRDGAR Enter Shakira – System
In my opinion https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/video/2017/apr/12/theresa- may-is-more-dangerous-than-donald-trump-opinion-video
Tasks! How do the writers express their opinions whilst showing an awareness of the cultural, political and social views of others? What social views are expressed in Enter Shikari song? Discuss the use of imagery in the song and other pieces. Compare and contrast the lyrical qualities ad technical elements of the song and Angelou’s poem. Try taking one of the issues and writing your own piece Write about something that you have strong feelings and opinions about or a comment on a current cultural/political/social event/situation: positive or negative. Think clearly about the tone you want to take in order to get the message.
Weekly blogs Written work to be finished in Friday workshops. All work to be recorded on the Blog covering what we did in the lesson, how we did it and why: give specific reasons for your thoughts, analysis and evaluations. What were the most beneficial aspects of the sessions to you and your practice and why? Please start a weekly glossary of terms and literary devices/tools and narrative devices/ tools that we explore. E.g. perspectives, free indirect discourse, tone, persuasive language etc.