“The unexamined life is not worth living.”—Socrates Socratic Seminar “The unexamined life is not worth living.”—Socrates
What is it? The goal of a Socratic seminar is for students to help one another understand the ideas, issues, and values reflected in a specific text. Students are responsible for facilitating a discussion around ideas in the text rather than asserting opinions. Through a process of listening, making meaning, and finding common ground students work toward shared understanding rather than trying to prove a particular argument. A Socratic seminar is not used for the purpose of debate, persuasion, or personal reflection, as the focus is on developing shared meaning of a text.
What is it? To bring a group of people together, teach them how to engage with one another, and thereby open new worlds of understanding that were previously out of reach (Hubpages.com). Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. —Henry Ford
“How to do the Socratic Method” YouTube: TeachLikeThis http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=how+to+do+the+socratic+method&&vi ew=detail&mid=F37C9FD6367D9C8FC91CF37C9FD6367D9C8FC91C&FORM=VRD GAR
Socratic Seminar Ground Rules Speak so that all can hear you. Listen closely. Be mindful to not dominate the conversation. Speak without raising hands. Be patient and open-minded. Talk to each other, NOT just to the leader.
Socratic Seminar Ground Rules Ask for clarification. Don’t stay confused. Invite and allow others to speak. Consider all viewpoints and ideas. Everyone needs to contribute. Know that you are responsible for the quality of the seminar.
“Five Ways to Become a Better Listener” Julian Treasure http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=five+ways+to+become+a+better+liste ner&&view=detail&mid=F523B21C81015D5E9239F523B21C81015D5E9239&FOR M=VRDGAR