Four Key Cases You Need to Know 1. 1805- Marbury vs Madison -Established Judicial Review 1857- Dread Scott vs Sanford -Slaves were property not citizens 1896- Plessey vs Ferguson -Separate but equal is constitutional 1954- Brown vs Board of Education -Overturned Plessy -SEPARATE BUT EQUAL IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL
1805- Marbury v Madison https://www. bing. com/videos/search Established Judicial Review
1857- Dread Scott vs Sanford Former slaves were not free just because they fled to state in which slavery did not exist. Slaves were considered “property not citizens” Hastened the onset of the Civil War. One of the worst S.C. decisions ever…
1896- Plessey vs Ferguson Established that separate but equal was constitutional.
1954- Brown vs Board of Education Overturned Plessy Key case in the Civil Rights Movement Precursor to the “Little Rock 9”