abridge (verb) – to shorten Examples: I abridged the test to only one page instead of two. Synonyms: abbreviate, condense, reduce Antonyms: Expand, enlarge, increase
abstemious Examples: (adj.) – sparing in the use of food and drink. - You were very abstemious at lunch today; are you sick? - an abstemious meal Synonyms: moderate Self-disciplined Antonyms: unrestrained
abhor I abhor cruelty to animals. Examples: (verb.) – to loathe or detest Examples: I abhor cruelty to animals. Synonyms: Hate, despise, repulse Antonyms: Love, admire, adore
aesthetic (adj.) – pertaining to beauty Examples: From an aesthetic point of view, it’s a nice design. Synonyms: Beautiful, artistic, attractive Antonyms: Unattractive, unpleasant, distasteful
ambiguous Examples: (adj.) – unclear, having more than one meaning Your answer is very ambiguous. You need to clarify it for me. Synonyms: unclear, uncertain, confusing Antonyms: clear, understandable
amorphous Examples: (adj.) – having no shape an amorphous mass of metal Synonyms: Formless, shapeless, vague Antonyms: Defined, clear, distinct