What is science?
Your Ideas
What the book says. Consistent Observable Natural Predictable Testable Science is: Consistent Observable Natural Predictable Testable Tentative
Big Idea If some phenomenon is not fulfilling all of these six requirements it is NOT science. Easy way to remember this? CONPTT? Any others?
Consistent Repeated observations and experiments are “reasonably” the same when repeated by competent investigators.
Observable Observations are limited to the basic human senses or extensions of the senses.
Natural A natural cause must be used to explain why or how the phenomenon occurs.
Predictable Cause of the event can be used to make predictions. Those predictions can be tested to see if they were true or false.
Testable Cause must be testable in controlled experiment. Supernatural events or causes are NOT relevant tests.
Tentative Scientific theories are subject to revision and correction even to the point of the theory being proven wrong.
Hierarchy of Science Hypothesis Theory Law
Lets do some tests. Earthquakes? YES
Cells yes
Flying Carpets? NO
Dinosaur? YES
Love? NO
Murder (Not Seen) Yes and NO
A gorgeous Sunset? NO
Faith? NO
CSAP? Hmmm????
Scientific Method Observations Hypothesis Materials Procedure 5 senses Hypothesis If…(what are you doing) Then…(what do you think is going to happen?)…Because…(Why?) Materials List of items used in lab Procedure Detailed steps of the experiment Data/Graphs Your results in tables and graphs Discussion Talking about your data Conclusion Wrapping up your experiment and expanding on what your results mean to the world