Passing on your genes….


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Presentation transcript:

Passing on your genes…

Find a mate… Task 1: Each of you will be given a card with your sex and genes on. The aim of the game is survive and produce healthy strong children that can pass on your genes. What sort of mate will you look for and why?

Build a Tribe Task 2: Expand your mates! Find another pair that you want to work with; remember pick a pair that will increase your chances or survival and reproducing healthy offspring that will survive. Task 3: Find another four people (2 males and 2 females) you want to work with. Let’s see what are we left with?

Question Consider the following questions: 1. What physical traits do we ‘look for’ in a mate? Why? 2. What psychological traits do we ‘look for’ in a mate? Why? 3. What physical and psychological traits will ‘die out’? Why?

Question We look for mates with optimum physical and psychological characteristics so that we can have healthy offspring with the best chance of survival. Why does it sometimes go wrong?

Question If we look for mates with optimum physical and psychological characteristics why don’t ALL men look for a mate like this…