Histology Manuel Gonzalez Diaz r2
Description: Histology is the science that deals with the study of tissues.
Jobs A Pathologist is physician who specializes in laboratory studies of cells and tissues to help other physicians make accurate diagnoses. They examine tissues for any changes that might indicate disease. Histology Manger is supervisor of a staff of project assistants and technicians, including scheduling, training and direction Histology Technician prepares tissue specimens for routine and special procedures to confirm a patient diagnosis. Performs complex histological procedures, records and analyzes data, and maintains and repairs instruments.
Education You need a Associate degree or certificate (technician), bachelor's degree (technologist) As well as recent lab with staining, microtomy, fixation, and tissue sample processing.
Top 4 colleges Michigan State University for 4 years - $43,408 in state, out of state is $88,718 Pennsylvania State University for 4 years - $49,800 New York University for 4 years - $49,080 Ohio State University for 4 years - $30,690 in state, out of state is $35,6364
Demand The Pathologist job market is expected to grow by 11.4% between 2016 and 2026.
Pay A Pathologist makes about $65,505 - $329,519 year round.
A day In the life of a pathologist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPavg3bA3kk
References https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Pathologist_(Medical)/Salary https://study.com/pathologist_schools.html