Speciation and Subspecies Looking at rattlesnakes of the east coast
New species As organisms accumulate more differences between groups, the groups become less and less alike. This change is called divergence Divergence will eventually lead to the creation of a new species.
Subspecies As a group of organisms diverge from the original they eventually will become a subspecies. A subspecies means the two groups are genetically different, but can still breed together.
Examples of Speciation Timber rattlesnake of the east coast are identifiable to their state based on color. Dark ones….. New York
Examples of Speciation Medium tone snakes…… Pennsylvania
Examples of Speciation Light tone snakes… Virginia
Examples of Speciation The darker the snakes the colder the climate. How did this variation become noticeable ? What factors drove these changes?
Subspecies Right now, even though there are genetic differences all of the populations of timber rattlesnakes are able to breed if they came in contact with one another. Therefore they are not considered a subspecies or separate species.
Examples of Speciation If these population continue to change what will happen? What will be the first step in speciation?
Speciation Speciation is the point at which two groups of individuals are no longer able to breed. Making them a new species. What is the time frame for speciation to occur?