YouRNI Karlsruhe 2018 The German system of education and vocational training as a challenge for the integration of young refugees Eva Götz
Educating refugees ages 10 to 18 Comprehensive system Gemeinschaftsschule Selective system of secondary education: Hauptschule Werkrealschule Realschule Gymnasium Berufliche Schulen: various levels
General and vocational tracks General academic track Vocational (academic) track Gymnasium, graduation with Abitur leading to Fachhochschule (Colleges of the Applied Sciences) (Bachelor/Master/PhD)or Universität (university) After Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium: dual apprenticeship of two to three years (school and work) Berufliche Schulen (vocational schools) leading to different levels or Abitur Or: Meister-/Techniker Possible: Fachhochschule/Universität
Importance of the vocational track One third of all „Abiturienten“ in BW graduate from the vocational system. Vocational „Abitur“ opens the way to any university subject. 2.5 million students attend vocational schools in Germany Permanent and well-paid employment in Germany without school graduation or apprenticeship is very difficult
Principles of vocational education General education and vocational education have the same value. Sucessful graduation from any level of education leads to the next level and eventually to university.
Young refugees in schools Attend Grund-, Haupt- or Realschule depending on age and knowledge of German Usually one or two years older than classmates Attending Gymnasium is rare due to language requirements Special tutoring is often necessary
Young refugees above 16 Frequently high hopes and career expectations (medicine, nursing, mechanics) High motivation and discipline decline after one or two years Lack of focus because of refugee and family situation
Problems of young refugees 1 Language : B1 is not enough for advanced classes Gaps in school career lead to gaps in knowledge (Afghanis, Africans): mature students Intercultural problems/perspectives Different learning traditions: work in projects, self-organized learning, exams, independent research, presentations etc.
Problems of young refugees 2 5. Financial pressure from families 6. Poor and crowded housing, no room to study 7. Experiences of racism and rejection 8. Loneliness and homesickness 9. Insecure legal status, fear of deportation
Young refugees in apprenticeships Employment after a successful internship Company level: often good work performance Classes in vocational schools are mixed and progress of learning is high. Practical learning in school workshops is okay. Test results and exams in vocational subjects are not satisfactory. General subjects (economics, civics, German) are prohibitive.
Provisions for supporting young refugees Individual tutoring in vocational subjects available after application by the company (but: lack of tutors) Extra language lessons in schools Extending the apprenticeship by one year (e.g. geriatric nursing aids) Using specific material in English/native languages
What else is possible?
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