There is rest for the weary, if rest they will seek, There is cheer for the lonely and strength for the weak; There is pardon and blessing, and endless reward, There perfect salvation in Jesus the Lord. 1-6 Words by Jessie Brown Pounds / Music by J. H. Fillmore
Will you come, (Will you come?) will you come to the Lord? There Is Rest For The Weary Will you come, (Will you come?) will you come to the Lord? Will you come? (Will you come?) Will you come? Will you, trusting His word, Give your all to the Lord, Will you come? 2-6
There is sight for the blinded and cure for the ill, There Is Rest For The Weary There is sight for the blinded and cure for the ill, There is balm for the wounded– be healed if you will; There is zest for your labors, and sweetness in rest, There is all that is purest and dearest and best. 3-6
Will you come, (Will you come?) will you come to the Lord? There Is Rest For The Weary Will you come, (Will you come?) will you come to the Lord? Will you come? (Will you come?) Will you come? Will you, trusting His word, Give your all to the Lord, Will you come? 4-6
There is peace for the troubled and freedom for slaves, There Is Rest For The Weary There is peace for the troubled and freedom for slaves, There is hope for the hopeless, and light upon graves; O hear the glad message and heed the sweet call: There is room and a welcome with Jesus for all. 5-6
Will you come, (Will you come?) will you come to the Lord? There Is Rest For The Weary Will you come, (Will you come?) will you come to the Lord? Will you come? (Will you come?) Will you come? Will you, trusting His word, Give your all to the Lord, Will you come? 6-6