Harmonisation of Procedures within EU Ecolabel Competent Bodies 4th March 2013 Paul Vaughan
Aims to identify a core set of procedures needed to correctly implement the EU Ecolabel Regulation, to build upon the experience and expertise of a selected number of Competent Bodies, to check how they are implementing those procedures for a limited number of product groups, and to produce a manual of ‘good’ practice 2
Why? Ensure a consistent application of the EU Ecolabel Regulation Practically assist CBs (particularly smaller CBs) Promote the EU Ecolabel (reputation) Fulfil the Ecolabel Regulation (obligation)
Focus Annex V of the Regulation The procedures employed and practices followed in dealing with applications and in maintaining licence holder compliance 4
Deliverables A one day workshop for CBs A manual of good practice
Approach Working with 8 representative CBs Selection of 3 PGs Geographic balance Involved in other Ecolabel schemes Small/Large countries? Selection of 3 PGs Electronic, Chemicals and Service based Regular updating and discussion with CB Forum
Working with the 8 CBs The 8 CBs will be asked to Provide copies of policies/procedures/organisation etc Answer a questionnaire Be available for up to a day’s visit/interviews
Timeline (1) Mid March 2013 8 CBs selected and confirmed April to July 2013 Questionnaire issued Visits to CBs Mid June 2013 Report to CB Forum
Timeline (2) November 2013 Draft report presented 1 day workshop for CBs December 2013 Manual finalised