Hough-D(mc)- ππJpsi(Data)
Work Real data learn ππJpsi (3686, 09 year) Learn Pipijpsi.cxx code PATTSF&PATTSF+HOUGH MC psi(3770)->D+ D-, D+->k- π + π + ,D-->k+ π - π - Real data learn ππJpsi (3686, 09 year) Learn Pipijpsi.cxx code
MC D->k π π Data sample: Reconstruction method: Analysis Aim to find how many signal can be retrieved by HOUGH in MC Data sample: MC psi(3770)->D+ D-, D+->k- π + π + ,D-->k+ π - π - 200,000 events Non uniformed magnetic Mix background in reconstruction Reconstruction method: PATTSF+HOUGH PATTSF Analysis DDecayAlg in BOSS 665 Use DtagAlg
MC D->k π π a mistake ? Delta E cut: 0.03(GeV/c2) Crystal ball & AugusBG function to fit mBC signal and background Compare signal found by PATTSF and PATTSF+HOUGH before deltaE cut After deltaE cut (GeV/c2) (GeV/c2) (GeV/c2) a mistake ?
MC D->k π π a mistake ? PATTSF+HOUGH PATTSF Signal number: PATTSF+HOUGH: 413581 noise-signal-ratio*:574 PATTSF: 395024 noise-signal-ratio:562 Signal Upgrate :18557 , 4.7% a mistake ? * noise-signal-ratio: signal/sqrt(signal+noise)
Jpsi data learn Data(3686): /bes3fs/offline/data/raw/round02/090307/run_0008093* Generate rec file for checking 1,380,000 events Try large events collection , but some jobs failed due to memory lose
π tracking efficiency More data for validation j/psi-> e+ e- j/psi-> mu +mu- More data for validation
Check some events different in reconstruction 1:lost 2:bad par Lost track found by HOUGH Track with Bad parameter tracking again
Check some events different in reconstrucion 4 tracks -> 5 tracks * PATTSF+HOUGH PATTSF Bad par track delete after PATTSF *Efficiency : n4/(n3+n4+n5)
Check some events different in reconstrution Time of noise is close to the signal Ghost track cause tracking efficiency drops PATTSF+HOUGH PATTSF Ghost track passed track selection will influence the analysis
Check some events different in reconstruction 5 tracks -> 4 tracks * PATTSF+HOUGH PATTSF More tracks found by HOUGH *Efficiency : n4/(n3+n4+n5)
Need to fix memory loss problem and run more data Noise cause many fake tracks in Hough for real data Although fake tracks seem not serious problem for physics tracking efficiency , they should be reduced in tracking