Acts 7:48-50 However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says: “Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. What house will you build for Me? says the LORD, or what is the place of My rest? Has My hand not made all these things?”
Past and Present Holy Days: Sabbath, Lord’s Day, & Christmas
1. What is it called & When is it? Sabbath Ex. 20:8-10 Lord’s Day Rev. 1:10; Mk. 16:9; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2 Christmas “the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church.” (Oxford Dictionary) I. What and When is it? A. Sabbath Ex. 20:8-10 1. a day of rest given to Israel as they camped at Mt. Sinai 2. the seventh day of the week B. Lord’s Day 1. Rev. 1:10 LD is very general and without including other verses, we could not know what day it is. 2. The fdow is the only day given attention by the HS in the NT, thus of significance for all saints a. The Gospels Mk. 16:9 (cf Matt 28, Lk 24; Jn. 20) b. Acts 20:7 without (a.), we would pay no attn to Luke mentioning fdow c. Paul in 1 Cor. 16 without these other passages, we would have no idea why Paul specified this day C. Xmas 1. “the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church.” 2. When comparing this with Sabbath and LD, several questions come to mind: a. Who made this celebration annual? Who chose Dec. 25? Why not weekly like the Sabbath and LD? b. Who made this celebration a “Christian festival”? Why only in “Western Church” if a “Xian festival”? c. Acts 15:24 how did the apostles (and others) react when some spread teachings they did not give? i. Did the apostles claim and spread the idea that Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season? ii. Some ppl today go out saying “Christmas is a Christian festival,” when God gave no such teaching. Oxford Dictionary (online, accessed 12-15-16)
2. By what authority? Sabbath Ex. 31:12-16 Lord’s Day Jn. 4:21 (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2; Rev. 1:10) Christmas “Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church” ( II. By what authority? A. Sabb 1. Part of the covenant God made with Israel (“old covenant”) Ex. 31:12-16 2. What if a Jew, or the entire nation, decided not to keep the Sabbath? (Ex. 31:15) B. LD 1. Part of the new covenant, one of the changes related to the change Jesus said was coming Jn. 4:21 2. The above passages (Acts 20:7; 1Cor.16:1-2; Rev.1:10) are a(n) example, command, and necessary conclusion of the Lord’s will concerning the Lord’s Day. 3. So, we have in common the activities and blessings of this day with the apostles, the first Christians, and all Christians since. C. Xmas 1. No part of any covenant between God and man---God gave no “Christian or holy calendar.” 2. The Catholic Church says “Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church,” so neither Peter, Paul, James, or Mary ever celebrated Christmas (as a “Christian festival”) - Think, if Jesus’ own mother did not, why would we? 3. Declared a Xian festival in the 4th cent (300s) by a Roman emp (Constantine) and an unqualified bishop (Liberius)—all the authority for this is in man-made leaders.
3. How? Sabbath Lev. 23:3 Lord’s Day Acts 20:7; 2:42 (1 Cor. 16:2) Christmas III. How? A. Sabb Lev. 23:3 1. rest from routine work 2. a holy convocation (assembly) of some kind, not of the entire nation B. LD 1. If you haven’t learned from the Bible that God expects us to understand some things He did not say based upon what He did say, consider these verses (Rom. 1:19-20; Heb. 7:14), ask yourself “How do I know the Bible applies to me?,” or ask someone to study this with you. 2. We noticed earlier that the fdow is the only possible day that could be the LD, now “How do we honor God on the Lord’s Day?” a. remember Christ arose (the day is a memorial of this event) b. Acts 20:7 they ate and drank to remember Jesus died and were taught more about His will c. Acts 2:42 mentions two things identical to Acts 20:7 and adds fellowship (1 Cor. 16:2) and prayer d. singing isn’t specifically tied to the fdow but certainly fits the occasion (1 Cor. 14). C. Xmas 1. How does anyone today know what to do in memorial of Jesus’ birth? 2. God’s memorials usually involve more than reading and remembering a. in OT memorials involved assembling and offering a lamb b. in NT the mem of His resurr involves assembling and the mem of His death involves eating. c. God gave no command re: memorial of birth, so man has to assume what might please God and usually just relies on “what we’ve always done” but cannot find in Scripture (plays, choirs
4. Who practised it? Sabbath Lk. 4:16 Lord’s Day Jn. 16:12-13; Rev. 1:10 Christmas IV. Who approved of and/or practiced it? A. Sabb Beside Moses and original Israelites, it was observed by Jesus who lived under the first covenant, as He prepared the world for the second covenant Lk. 4:16 B. LD 1. Jn. 16:12-13 Though Jesus did not speak of it while on earth, He approved of all the HS taught by apost. 2. Rev. 1:10 HS spoke of the Lord’s Day through John a. The HS and Jesus approved of it b. Luke, Paul, and John specifically gave meaning to this day, implying all the apostles did the same. c. The saints in Troas (Acts), Corinth (1 Cor.), Galatia (1 Cor. 16:1), and Asia Minor (Rev.) are specifically involved in the writings we have read, implying all the saints and churches of Christ did the same. C. Xmas (“the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church.”) 1. Earlier, we noticed that the authority for an annual Christian festival dedicated to Jesus’ birth is based upon two men in the 4th century. 2. The Spirit never guided the apostles to teach any of the Lord’s people or churches what Christmas is, when it is, or how to do it, meaning the apostles didn’t do it either. 3. Peter, Paul, Mary, nor any disciples of the first century annually met with the disciples in memory of Jesus’ birth (or baptism or transfiguration or resurrection or ascension). 4. How can it be a Christian festival, if no one in the first century knew about it?
Past and Present Holy Days: Sabbath, Lord’s Day, & Christmas
Chart by John Gentry by John Gentry