Jeff Jerome National Director Social Care Transformation Putting People First: Personal Budget Survey position as at 30 September 2010 Jeff Jerome National Director Social Care Transformation
Headlines - Personal Budgets At end September 2010: 216,731 PBs – half go to OP 246,694 if one-offs included 1 in 4 of eligible users;
Headlines - Personal Budgets PB Predictions: Predicted to rise to 413,856 by March 11 55% Growth from March to September 2010 (excluding one-offs and carers)
Headlines - Personal Budgets PB Predictions: 57 authorities met or exceeded their PB projections for September 2010 (based on 134 authorities) PB growth rate between Mar 10 and Sep 10 (based on 138 Authorities) show some authorities having increased numbers at a very fast rate
Numbers: Proportions of users with PBs … of OP with services: - 42 LAs have 9% or less - 31 have 10 - 19% - 65 with 20% plus, highest 76% (24 had 20%+ in March 10) …of ‘other adults’ with services - 14 LAs have 10% or less - 78 LAs 20% or more, highest 78% (67 in March 10) 49 LAs gave info on care home residents who have been allocated PBs: 32 have allocated less than 100 PBs 10 between 100 - 500 7 over 500.
PB Spend Of money allocated in PBs: Estimated Total Spend on PBs: 54% are ‘managed’ accounts 40% are DPs; 6% are a mixture of DPs and managed Estimated Total Spend on PBs: Mar 2009: £680M Mar 2010: £901M Sep 2010: Some authorities reporting 25% - 79% increase in spend on PBs from Mar 10. Other authorities are higher still as systems and process start to bed-in