Portfolio Committee on Health Parliament Conditional Grants Expenditure 31 March 2016 – Fourth Quarter Expenditure Date : 31 August 2016
Introduction 4/28/2019 Spending Performance on all conditional grants as at end of 31 March 2016: Schedule 4 and 5 (Direct Grants) Total CG spending sits at 99.1% or R31.9 bn against revised budget of R32.2 bn. HPTDG spent 100% of the budget whilst NTSG and HIV/AIDS spent 99.6% and 99.9% respectively. HFRG and NHI spent 96.4% and 90.2% respectively the norm. Schedule 6 (Indirect Grant) Spending for 4th quarter is at 95.3%.
Grants Overview (Direct) 4/28/2019 Grants Overview (Direct)
Health Professions Training Grant 4/28/2019 Health Professions Training Grant
Health Professions Training Grant (02) 4/28/2019 All provinces spent 100% of the budget with the exception of Limpopo that spent 96.8% due to outstanding invoices for medical equipment and rollover has been requested. Northern Cape is overspending due to accruals. Expenditure will be journalised to equitable share to keep expenditure within the norm.
National Tertiary Services Grant 4/28/2019 National Tertiary Services Grant
National Tertiary Service Grant (02) 4/28/2019 All provinces spent 100% of the budget with the exception of EC, LP, MP & NW. The major reason for under spending is due to: lack of contracts for medical equipment. delays in delivery of medical equipment However a rollover has been requested by all provinces under spending for unpaid invoices and awaited delivery
Comprehensive HIV/AIDS 4/28/2019 Comprehensive HIV/AIDS
Comprehensive HIV/AIDS (02) 4/28/2019 All provinces spent 100% of the budget with the exception of LP and NW The reason for under spending is due to outstanding invoices for Medicines and consumables. However a rollover has been requested by both provinces
Health Facility Revitalisation Grant 4/28/2019 Health Facility Revitalisation Grant
Health Facility Revitalisation Grant (02) 4/28/2019 All provinces under spent with the exception of EC, GP, KZN & LP that spent 100%. The main reason for under spending is due to: Delays in appointment of staff in FS under Organisational Development. Challenges with Implementing Agent in WC Outstanding invoices of which rollover has been requested. Rollover has been requested by all provinces under spending.
National Health Insurance Grant 4/28/2019 National Health Insurance Grant
National Health Insurance (02) 4/28/2019 All provinces under spent with the exception of EC, FS, MP. The main reason for under spending is due to: Supply chain Management inefficiencies Delays in delivery of WBOT uniforms and other equipment. Inability to contract Health Professionals (HP) in WC as indirect funding was converted to direct for HP contracting. However, a rollover has been requested by all provinces under spending.
Provincial Overview (Direct) 4/28/2019 Provincial Overview (Direct)
Eastern Cape 4/28/2019
Eastern Cape (02) 4/28/2019 All grants spent 100% with the exception NTSG and NHI. The main reason for under spending of NTSG is due to: challenges with specifications for equipment, equipment was only procured towards the end of the financial year. NHI over spent due to application of S22 of DoRA – unspent funds and not surrendered from previous year are charged against current allocation.
Free State 4/28/2019
Free State (02) The main reason for under spending of HFRG is due to: 4/28/2019 All grants spent 100% with the exception HFRG. The main reason for under spending of HFRG is due to: Non filling of posts under Organisational Development component of the grant. Funds were only made available to the province during Adjustment budget. However, a rollover has been requested.
Gauteng 4/28/2019
Gauteng (02) The main reason for under spending of NHI is due to: 4/28/2019 All grants spent100% with the exception of NHI. The main reason for under spending of NHI is due to: Outstanding invoices for WBOT uniforms. However, a rollover has been requested by the provinces.
KwaZulu Natal 4/28/2019
KwaZulu Natal (02) 4/28/2019 All grants spent 100% with the exception of NHI. The main reason for under spending of NHI is due to: IT project not completed and will be paid during 1st quarter of 2016/17 However, a rollover has been requested by all provinces under spending.
Limpopo 4/28/2019
Limpopo (02) The main reason for under spending is due to: 4/28/2019 All grants spent below the norm with the exception of HFRG. The main reason for under spending is due to: Supply chain Management inefficiencies Outstanding delivery for medical equipment (Full body Scanner machine) Outstanding invoices for Condoms ordered in Q3. Examination equipment for patients not yet delivered. However, a rollover has been requested by all grant under spending.
Mpumalanga 4/28/2019
Mpumalanga (02) The main reason for under spending is due to: 4/28/2019 All grants spent 100% with the exception of NTSG & HFRG. The main reason for under spending is due to: Equipment procured during the 3rd quarter and not yet delivered for NTSG. Health Technology equipment not yet delivered Mpumalanga affected with implementation of S22 of DoRA resulting on overspending of NHI. A rollover has been requested by the province for under spending grants.
Northern Cape 4/28/2019
Northern Cape (02) HFRG and NHI under spent at 95.1% and 54.5%. 4/28/2019 NTSG and HIV and AIDS spent the entire allocations at 100.7% and 100.4% respectively, however, HFRG and NHI under spent at 95.1% and 54.5%. The main reasons for under spending are due to: Supply chain Management inefficiencies Delays in delivery of WBOT uniforms and other equipment. Outstanding invoices for health technology. However, a rollover has been requested by the province for under spending grants.
North West 4/28/2019
North West (02) The main reason for under spending is due to: 4/28/2019 All grants under spent with the exception of HPTDG. The main reason for under spending is due to: Outstanding invoices for infrastructure projects, NTSG equipment for hospitals and WBOT equipments.. However, a rollover has been requested by all provinces under spending.
Western Cape 4/28/2019
Western Cape (02) The main reason for under spending is due to: 4/28/2019 All grants spent 100% with the exception of HFRG & NHI. The main reason for under spending is due to: Challenges with implementing Agent. Currently province is using one implementing agent (Public Works) Delays in implementation of projects Inability to contract Health Professionals (HP) in WC as indirect funding was converted to direct for HP contracting. Funds for conversion were only allocated during adjustment budget. A rollover for infrastructure has been requested by the provinces.
Indirect Grant – Schedule 6 4/28/2019
Indirect Grant – Schedule 6 (02) 4/28/2019 The main reason for under spending is due to: HPV – delays in submission of claims by provinces, outstanding invoices of which rollover has been requested.. NHI – Contracting of Health Professionals including Pharmacy Assistants have improved
Conclusion 4/28/2019 NHI framework has been reviewed to include the Ideal Clinic. Most activities relates to Ideal Clinic which will accelerate expenditure in 2016/17. Strengthening of monitoring and evaluation for infrastructure projects to ensure spending efficacy.