Supplier Guide to Jaggaer Sourcing Director General Guidelines & Steps Purchasing
Event Registration The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) will publish a bid for competitive sourcing through the Jaggaer Sourcing Director software. In order to participate in this event you will need to register your company as a supplier in Jaggaer Sourcing Director (see steps below). Once your company is registered, you may be invited to participate in the bidding process online when it is published. If you are a registered UTMB supplier in Jaggaer Sourcing Director, you may skip these steps, as an email notification will be sent to you once the event is live and available for viewing. Please be sure to visit UTMB public bids website at for all potential bidding opportunities. This is not a UTMB vendor registration but only registration for the sourcing event in Jaggaer. Visit: Click on Continue with Registration Click on “Create Account” Read the pop-up screen and select “Continue with Registration.” Complete the registration form and when finished, click on “Create Account” button. Once you have completed the registration process, you will be provided with a user name and password within 24 hours in order to access the bid content. All suppliers must register on the State of Texas Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) at The CMBL is a master database used by the state of Texas purchasing entities to develop a mailing list for vendors to receive bids based on the products or services they can provide to the state of Texas. Purchasing
Supplier Portal Training Video Instructions for navigating Jaggaer’s Supplier Portal can be found at: ningVideoPopup?video_url_param=OnLineTrai ning_Navigat… Instructions for responding to a sourcing event in Jaggaer can be found at: eoPopup?video_url_param=OnLineTraining_Respond… Purchasing
General Instructions/Guidelines Once registered in Jaggaer and invited to a sourcing event, supplier should receive an email from Jaggaer with a direct link in Jaggaer for the bid. Please be sure to check “junk” or “spam” inboxes for this email. Purchasing
General Instructions/Guidelines Upon entering the bid you will be asked either your intent to bid or proceed to prerequisites Purchasing
General Instructions/Guidelines Respondentswill need to acknowledge their intent to bid on either the summary or Prerequisite portion of the bid. Purchasing
General Instructions/Guidelines Respondent will proceed to the buyer attachments section. This is where the bid documents will be located and can be downloaded by the Respondent Purchasing
After documents are downloaded the Respondent can upload documents into Jaggaer in the Supplier Attachments section. This is where any signed document, price schedule, drawings, brochures, reports, etc. would be uploaded. Purchasing
General Instructions/Guidelines Respondents will then proceed to the questions section to complete questions as part of the bid response. * If the bid document indicates that subcontracting is probable, the Respondent needs to complete a Hub Subcontracting Plan (HSP) and upload the document to the designated question in the Questions section. Purchasing
General Instructions/Guidelines If a Respondent has not completed each section appropriately, they will get a Red error message here. Respondents will then proceed the Review and Submit section. Respondents must respond to the certification check box. Purchasing
General Instructions/Guidelines Respondents may use the Q & A board to ask questions to the UTMB Specialist (project owner). Respondent can select these question to be public for all to view or directly to the Specialist. Purchasing
General Instructions/Guidelines Once a Respondent submits a bid, they will receive a confirmation of their submitted response. Respondent has until event close date and time to edit, modify, or withdraw their bid response if desired. Purchasing