FRANCAIS 1442 – Mme Dodd Bienvenue Encore!
FRENCH?? Why?? There is a small French community here. Go see the world! Be a diplomat (Embassy, UN, Olympics…) Fashion Industry (Paris here we come!) Improve your English! Appear Smart/Cultivated/Suave Improve your love life* * As a supplement only and in conjunction with other wooing skills
QUI EST La PROF? Janet O. Dodd MA French from UTA 2004 Times to France= A LOT Times to Tahiti= 0 (but Ive lived in Hawaii…) Years teaching French = 6
Syllabus (boring but necessary) Book and Online WorkbookOnline Workbook Tests= 50% Final=10% Quizzes= 15%*, Work (Lab and other) = 15% ATTENDANCE and Participation = 10% (Split 7/3) You have to drop your own classes Use your UTA address! Dont Cheat! (see Online Translators) Note Keen Calendar of Events!! Questions? *Types of Quizzes
LEARNING TYPES AudioVisualKinestheticInvertExtrovertReadingSpeakingAccommodations
Quest-ce que tu as fait pendant lété? Be the first to find a classmate for each activité mentionnée! Remember to turn the statements into questions: Est-ce que tu as… (or) Est-ce que tu es… You may use yourself once! Win a BON-BON!!!! (play music now) (play music now)
The Floor Situation (p. 222/226) Etc. Etc. Le Quatrième étage Le Quatrième étage Le Troisième étage Le Troisième étage Le Deuxième étage Le Deuxième étage Le Premier étage Le Premier étage Le Rez-de- chaussée Le Rez-de- chaussée.
Match them to the right place!!! Des Escaliers Un Ascenseur Un Immeuble Une cour Une rue
P. 222 (226) VOCABULAIRE Ex. 6-1 On a piece of paper, create a floor design of either your dream house or a house that youve lived in. Label the rooms (hall, balcony, etc)- 5 items minimum! Due Next Time