Conventional Facilities WBS 1.9 Overview & Progress to Date Systems Description Construction Schedule Cost Estimate Organizational Chart Challenges ES&H Issues Summary
LCLS Site Plan NEH Future Beam Lines Future Office Space Spear Pep Ring Rd Office Complex SLC Undulator Hall NEH Research Yard Survey Tower FEH Beam Transport Hall SLC Tunnel Beam Dump Front End Enclosure X-Ray Transport Future Beam Lines Pep Tunnel Future Office Space
Progress to Date Title I complete Major design progress accomplished considering late start of Title I (1/04-5/04) Charrette sessions (brain-storming) Multiple design reviews (30%-50%-100%) 2 day VE session (collaborative team) Report available indicating $5M savings Title I deliverables and milestones were met on schedule As-built program complete Environmental sampling & waste disposal program has been initiated
LCLS CF Systems Description Extends SLAC LINAC ~ 1/2 mile (814 meters) Includes a composition of renovations to existing SLAC infrastructure and new facilities
LCLS CF Systems Description - continued Renovated facilities Sector 20 Injector Facility - 2,160 sf facility incl Laser Rm, Control Rm to house the injector laser and assoc equipment Magnetic Measurement Facility - 4,000 sf facility used to tune, measure and store the undulators magnets Linac Improvements – modifications required to some utilities to support new bunch compressors
LCLS CF Systems Description - continued New facilities Beam Transport Hall – 227m long above grade facility to transport the electron beam through the existing RSY Undulator Hall – 175m long underground tunnel housing undulators and ancillary equipment Electron Beam Dump – 40m long underground facility used to separate the electron and x-ray beams Front End Enclosure – 30m long underground facility to house various diagnostic equipment in support of the photon beam
LCLS CF Systems Description - continued Near Experimental Hall – underground facility whose primary function is to house 3 experimental hutches, prep and shops X-Ray Transport & Diagnostics Tunnel – 250m long underground tunnel used to transport photon beams from NEH to FEH Far Experimental Hall – underground cavern/tunnels to house 3 experimental hutches, prep and shop space Central Lab Office Complex – office facility to house ~ 300 LCLS researchers, engineers, technicians, administrative staff and visiting experimentalists
LCLS CF Rendering Title I Baseline complete 800m tunneling At grade in RSY Title I Baseline complete 800m tunneling above water table 70m cut/cover Location of Pep Ring Rd Cut & Cover BTH UNDULATOR HALL ELECTRON BEAM DUMP & FEE NEAR EXPERIMENTAL HALL AND CENTRAL LABS & OFFICE X-RAY TRANSPORT & DIAGNOSTICS TUNNEL FAR EXPERIMENTAL HALL
Tunnel Sections @ 100% Title I Undulator Hall BD/FEE/NEH XRTDT FEH
Architectural Rendering Research Yard IN RESEARCH YARD 227 M LONG 15’ x 14’-9” (W x H) 63 M HEADHOUSE 72” THICK WALLS 48” THICK CEILING 3 SERVICE AREAS IN RESEARCH YARD 227 M LONG 15’ x 14’-9” (W x H) 63 M HEADHOUSE 72” THICK WALLS 48” THICK CEILING 3 SERVICE AREAS ENDS IN HEADWALL HEADWALL LABYRINTH Capacity - 300 68,300 gsf total 150 seat conf space
CF Summary Schedule Major construction phase FY 06 at 24-27 months Shutdown of FFTB 6/06 Major construction phase FY 06 at 24-27 months Beneficial Occupancy dates are key to technical system interfaces Tunneling advance rates based on 6’-10’/8 hr shift Site-work at NEH is key!
Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) FY 05 critical year! Title II commence on time CM on board Advanced procurements S20 MMF CF internal staffing for FY 06 Major Construction Effort Commences
Cost Estimate Total CF Cost = $62679
CF Org Chart FY 04
CF Org Chart FY 05
CF Org Chart FY 06-08
Technical Challenges Tunneling Undulator Hall Near Experimental Hall ~ 800m in sandstone w/ some large spans Standing tunnel committee has been formed Undulator Hall Vibration Thermal Independent engineering firm will review HVAC system Settlement Near Experimental Hall Chris Laughton – FERMI Lab Rick Nolting – Jacobs Assoc Jon Kaneshiro - Parsons A local eng firm will be used for this function
Site Characterization ES & H Issue Challenges Site Characterization Environmental sampling and waste disposal program has been initiated Preliminary analysis by SLAC ESH indicates Research Yard/Central Lab Office Complex Concrete samples will all be analyzed for lead and PCBs Soil samples will be analyzed for lead, PCBs and TPH-diesel Soil disposal (top 2 feet) excavations will require disposal offsite at a Class II (non-hazardous waste) landfill No radioactive waste (activated concrete or soil) will be generated from this project!
ES & H Issues - continued Construction Safety All construction activities to comply with Federal and State environmental, safety, health and building codes Subcontractor activities In-house activities SLAC will approve construction safety program prior to start of construction Special consideration is being addressed Tunnel construction RSY due to the congestion in the area
Management Challenges Bay area construction market Materials Labor Large single procurement package 9/04 strategy session Schedule concerns Annual lab shut-down periods Schedule for site characterization & remediation FFTB decommissioning
Summary Where we go from here… Interim services by JE between Title I/Title II Engineering studies for additional cost reduction and value added opportunities Construction procurement strategy session planned 9/04 Title II Scheduled 10/04 (FY 05) thru 6/05 Funding limited CM will be on board ~4/05 Title III Scheduled to commence 10/05 (FY 06)