Preliminary Results of D0 Dalitz Plot Analysis Kalanand Mishra, G. Mancinelli, Brian Meadows, Mike Sokoloff University of Cincinnati Charm AWG, 6/08/06
Efficiency-corrected Dalitz plot ~ 4 % bkg m2(K-π0) m2(K-K+) m2(K+π0)
CLEO used only K*(892), and NR terms to fit the data CLEO Fit (prelim. result presented at FPCP 2006) CLEO had 600 events with 33 % background We have 6800 events with 4 % background CLEO used only K*(892), and NR terms to fit the data
Bgd Dalitz HistPdf taken from the mD sideband Data Fit with CLEO PDF Bgd Dalitz HistPdf taken from the mD sideband 1 Nonres_amp 4.80848e+00 8.76759e-02 (5.6 in CLEO results) 2 Nonres_phase 2.45715e+02 1.41802e+00 (220 in CLEO results) 3 K*- amp 5.21620e-01 1.26111e-02 4 K*-_phase -2.51342e+01 2.09421e+00 5 amp 6.03842e-01 1.11649e-02 6 phase -3.30354e+01 2.89297e+00 2 /nDOF = 1.83342
Unlikely to be due to background There isn’t much background According to MC, bgd distributions in SR and SB agree Data and MC agree in the SB
Try adding more resonances (1020) K*(892)+ K*(892)- NR K*(1410)+ K(1410)*- Kappa+ Kappa- P-wave NR(+) P-wave NR(-) P-wave NR(0) K*0(1430)+ K*0(1430)-
Fit with K*,,K*(1410),NR Fit Fractions 2 /nDOF = 1.27373 Phi : 0.20947 K*- : 0.13922 K*1410- : 0.10983 Nonres : 0.27930 1 K*-_amp 5.34655e-01 1.32278e-02 2 K*-_phase -4.06080e+01 2.11187e+00 3 K*1410+_amp 1.09557e+00 1.28054e-01 4 K*1410+_phase 7.58229e+01 7.74310e+00 5 K*1410-_amp 3.74850e+00 1.53719e-01 6 K*1410-_phase 1.68160e+02 2.63576e+00 7 Nonres_amp 4.50270e+00 9.32631e-02 8 Nonres_phase 2.45690e+02 1.41985e+00 9 Phi_amp 6.56924e-01 1.16803e-02 10 Phi_phase -1.75363e+00 6.60675e+00 2 /nDOF = 1.27373
Fit with K*,,Kappa,NR Fit Fractions 2 /nDOF = 1.16075 Phi : 0.19202 K*- : 0.14714 Kappa- : 0.024604 Nonres : 0.022766 1 K*-_amp 5.78165e-01 1.51450e-02 2 K*-_phase -3.82806e+01 2.16442e+00 3 Kappa+_amp 1.74854e+00 7.81714e-02 4 Kappa+_phase 1.08737e+02 2.47099e+00 5 Kappa-_amp 6.34162e-01 6.16345e-02 6 Kappa-_phase 1.81175e+02 5.98312e+00 7 Nonres_amp 1.35223e+00 1.74128e-01 8 Nonres_phase 2.61373e+02 9.50707e+00 9 Phi_amp 6.61606e-01 1.27883e-02 10 Phi_phase -1.30563e+01 3.31300e+00 2 /nDOF = 1.16075
Fit with K*,,Kappa Fit Fractions 2 /nDOF = 1.35428 Kappa+ : 0.15881 Phi : 0.20563 K*- : 0.14378 Kappa- : 0.13169 K*(1410)- : 0.023254 1 K*-_amp 5.67284e-01 1.67979e-02 2 K*-_phase -2.85278e+01 3.14088e+00 3 K*1410+_amp 1.40631e+00 1.98290e-01 4 K*1410+_phase -1.36251e+02 1.10089e+01 5 K*1410-_amp 1.80088e+00 2.22703e-01 6 K*1410-_phase 1.86569e+02 7.30051e+00 7 Kappa+_amp 1.59545e+00 7.66011e-02 8 Kappa+_phase 1.03981e+02 9 Kappa-_amp 1.45629e+00 8.35726e-02 10 Kappa-_phase 1.74038e+02 3.38783e+00 11 Phi_amp 6.79556e-01 1.32970e-02 12 Phi_phase -3.64808e-01 4.68143e+00 2 /nDOF = 1.35428
Try including p-wave NR 1 K*-_amp 6.13060e-01 1.98369e-02 2 K*-_phase -4.28001e+01 3.65266e+00 3 K*1410+_amp 3.46743e+00 4.76307e-01 4 K*1410+_phase 3.99550e+01 8.05654e+00 5 K*1410-_amp 2.67283e+00 4.14485e-01 6 K*1410-_phase 1.65986e+02 1.19152e+01 7 Kappa+_amp 7.30570e-01 2.10914e-01 8 Kappa+_phase 8.81885e+01 1.80236e+01 9 Kappa-_amp 6.05465e-01 1.68914e-01 10 Kappa-_phase 1.08270e+02 2.16174e+01 11 NRPW_P_amp 4.88345e+00 1.64838e+00 12 NRPW_P_phase 8.97154e+01 2.37566e+01 13 NRPW_M_amp -4.66088e+00 1.66335e+00 14 NRPW_M_phase -1.02777e+02 2.27370e+01 15 NRPW_0_amp 1.23893e+01 2.76792e+00 16 NRPW_0_phase 7.53007e+01 1.38116e+01 17 Nonres_amp 2.60086e+00 2.58137e-01 18 Nonres_phase 2.80830e+02 7.04073e+00 19 Phi_amp 6.49647e-01 1.52032e-02 20 Phi_phase 7.74845e+01 7.16402e+00 Fit Fractions K*+ : 0.45507 K*1410+ : 0.090682 Kappa+ : 0.035070 P-wave NR+ : 0.15697 Phi : 0.19792 P-wave NR0 : 0.63210 K*- : 0.17685 K*1410- : 0.053947 Kappa- : 0.023975 P-wave NR- : 0.14484 Nonres : 0.090031 2 /nDOF = 1.00708
Fit with everything (except p-wave NR) 2 /nDOF = 1.23258
Fit with everything Data Fit (Data-Fit)/Poisson
Fit results FIT FRACTIONS: 2) K*1410+ : 0.0080731 3) Phi : 0.20659 C NO. NAME VALUE ERROR 1 K*- amp 5.69656e-01 1.79456e-02 2 K*- phase -4.56731e+01 3.58554e+00 3 K*1410+ amp 1.05421e+00 3.94698e-01 4 K*1410+ phase -6.20178e+00 1.18234e+01 5 K*1410- amp 3.16224e+00 2.62697e-01 6 K*1410- phase 1.97451e+02 7.09799e+00 7 Kappa+ amp 1.21828e+00 1.41759e-01 8 Kappa+ phase 8.16307e+01 4.73706e+00 9 Kappa- amp 4.75391e-01 1.09249e-01 10 Kappa- phase 2.10803e+02 1.41423e+01 11 Nonres amp 2.94117e+00 2.52517e-01 12 Nonres phase 2.61348e+02 5.27515e+00 13 Phi amp 6.76319e-01 1.34612e-02 14 Phi phase 3.17416e+01 1.05168e+01 FIT FRACTIONS: 1) K*+ : 0.43829 2) K*1410+ : 0.0080731 3) Phi : 0.20659 C 4) K*- : 0.14706 5) K*1410- : 0.072727 6) Nonres : 0.11089 7) Kappa+ : 0.093925 8) Kappa- : 0.014235
To do Try to continue improving the fit Fit systematics and the robustness of the fit: Generate and fit several hundred toy MC samples Repeat the fit with several independent data sub-samples Try to fit with different possible combinations of resonances and NR terms Other suggestions? Finally, start looking for CP asymmetry