Contents ToR Key Task 1 Key Task 2
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference Objective 1 Relevant authorities in the MS should be made aware about the benefits Natura 2000 provides in order to recognize them at an early stage in the formulation of the wide range of projects that they will consider (planning and decision making process). For this purpose a special information/working tool for decision-makers should be elaborated. Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference Objective 2 As conditions of many habitats and species within the Natura2000 network are unfavourable, they will require active restoration measures implying significant costs. The tool developed under Objective 1 will be applied to 30 case studies to quantify the potential economic benefits arising from such investments and to offer the ability to assess different ‘options’ of the actions (to be translated in economic benefits of the actions) Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference Objective 3 To develop a set of general recommendations on measures and approaches that optimize the economic benefits for Natura2000 while also fulfilling their primary goal for the favourable conservation of species and habitats of the EU Terms of Reference
Key Task 1: Preparation of a Tool
Approach Key task 1: PREPARATION OF A TOOL Output: tool for decision-makers, site managers and project developers to recognize more effectively the Natura 2000 benefits in the decision-making process Activities: development of tool (M1-M4) testing based on results task 2 (M4-M7) Approach
Approach Key task 1: PREPARATION OF A TOOL stepwise approach, based on EFTEC study “Valuing Environmental impacts: Guidelines for the Use of Value Transfer (2010)” Analysis framework: Step 1: Identify ecosystem services (ES) Step 2: Specify environmental baseline Step 3: Identify changes in ES Step 4: Define & quantify affected population Step 5: Define economic value of ES Step 6: Calculate monetary costs and benefits Step 7: Sensitivity analysis Step 8: Develop non-monetary expressions of environmental effects Step 9: Reporting Approach
Integration of proactive conservation measures in initial project design (target group: project developers, decision-makers) Development of types of conservation measures which maximise ecosystem services benefits (target group: site managers) Development of mitigation and compensation measures in order to maximise ecosystem services benefits (target group: project developers, decision-makers) Bringing mitigation and compensation measures to a more optimal level in order to contribute to a faster realization of the FCS (target group: project developers, decision-makers) Focus of Guidance
site managers: optimize ecosystem services when choosing a set of conservation measures (FCS) project developers: integrate measures to help achieving FCS integrate measures to optimize ES avoid project features that are deteriorating site integrity avoid project features which might harm ES benefits decision makers: both Target groups
Link with IEEP Toolkit for Practitioners we build further on this toolkit we don’t repeat the concept, categories and definitions of ES but refer to this toolkit we call our tool the ‘Toolkit on Conservation Measures’ in order to distinguish clearly between both tools we take the existing site condition as a baseline (while IEEP tool compared situation without and with Natura 2000 designation) we offer a tool considering the marginal changes in ecosystem services benefits resulting from conservation measures (proactive and defensive) Link with IEEP Toolkit for Practitioners
Key Task 2: Demonstration Economic Benefits Natura 2000
Key task 2: DEMONSTRATING THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF NATURA 2000 Output: discussion of at least 10 case studies describing 30 different cases workshop Activities: Selection of case studies (M1-M4) Data gathering for 30 cases (including workshop) (M3-M6) Quantify net benefits for each case (application tool task 1) (M5-M7) Summary (M6-M8) Approach
State Key task 2: DEMONSTRATING THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF NATURA 2000 16 site managers have committed to test the toolkit representing a whole range of different conservation measures for most common ecosystems in different biogeographic regions; total of min 30 different situations at least 10 site managers will participate in the workshop State