Middle School Alternative to Suspension Program


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Presentation transcript:

Middle School Alternative to Suspension Program Larry Scott ATS Specialist School Psychologist

Staff Survey 43 staff completed the survey from FMS / 61 staff completed the survey from HMS (June & July 2018) Most preferred, conflict resolution, conferencing and restitution High support for utilizing community service as an alternative Indirect supports: most preferred consultation on behaviorally at-risk students Indirect supports: high support for, collaborating with community-based leaders, organizations, and professionals, as well as, working with parents

Restorative Practice Principles Voluntary participation Respect for all involved Inclusion and equal voice of all people impacted A focus on harms, needs, and causes Consensus-based decision-making to repair harm and prevent future harm Expanding the capacity of the community to create a just, fair, and meaningful response

Traditional Discipline Restorative Practices Two Approaches Traditional Discipline A violation of rules & policies Violations create guilt Justice requires authorities to determine blame and punishment Getting what one deserves Restorative Practices A violation of people & relationships Violations create obligations Justice includes the community, all involved Personal responsibility

Restorative Practice Continuum Affective Statements & Questions Community Building Circles Responsive Circles Conflict Coaching Mediation Conferencing Classroom ATS

Conflict Coaching / Mediation For severe conflicts between students (i.e. threat to physically fight and severe bullying) and for conflict between staff and student(s) Teachers and other staff can refer students to the ATS Specialist through Infinite Campus for a Mediation Conflict Coaching is done prior to conducting a Mediation A written agreement from Mediation will be provided to all parties involved and communicated to relevant staff

Restorative Conferencing A response to major discipline infractions, where harm in relationships has occurred In lieu of a suspension; however, there may be some severe cases where a Restorative Conference might occur when a mandated suspension is completed School administrator notifies parents of all students involved and gains consent to conduct the Restorative Conference ATS Specialist will conduct pre-conferences and conducts Restorative Conference (might include parents) Written agreement from Conference will be provided to all relevant parties

Restitution & Community Service In lieu of a suspension, Restitution could be used for vandalism or property damage- students could participate in a clean-up or repair Community Service could also be applied, in lieu of suspension, and might be part of an agreement from a Restorative Conference To repair harm caused or to improve the physical environment of the school and/or school culture and climate Parents must be informed and in agreement

Staff Consultation The ATS Specialist will devote approximately two hours per week at each middle school for consultation on student behavior and classroom management Referral for consultation via Google Doc referral The goal is to improve individual or class-wide behavior

Restoring Staff Approximately, once per week, the ATS Specialist will facilitate voluntary Staff Support Circles at each middle school, in the morning, prior to the school day To support continuing growth and self-reflection among staff and to build relationships among staff These circles are not for resolving or mediating personal conflict with others or for providing consultation on particular student cases and school management

Parents & Community Communicate with and involve parents, when necessary Could include participation in Restorative Conferences Engaging parents might include conducting home visits Build partnerships with community-based organizations and providers and include them to support the ATS Program, when necessary

Goals Reduce short-term and long-term suspensions Eliminate disproportionality in suspensions across race and for students with disabilities Improve safety, culture, and climate of school Increase student participation and engagement Support and foster positive relationships with students, staff, parents, and community Embrace a cultural responsive school community

What the ATS Program is Not An alternative to or in lieu of suspension, not for a student serving a suspension or removed from class for a period of time for behavioral reasons Not to be used as a time-away or for the removal of students from an assigned setting Does not provide recurring counseling and is not intended to address the chronic mental health and emotional needs of individual students The ATS Specialist is not responsible for developing and implementing FBAs and BIPs Does not eliminate the use of suspension, nor will it end the removal of students to time-away for severely disruptive behavior Not a be all and end all for addressing our most severe cases which require more individualized responses
