Handling Negative Emotions Gods plan for when things go wrong Series Introduction 3/20/11
Human Emotions Are Very Complex When I searched the internet for a list of human emotions, I discovered every theoretician has a different list and some are quite involved.
Just KiddingBut Really God has created us with a complex system of emotions Emotions are not good or bad in and of themselves; what matters is what we do with our emotions We live in a broken world because of sin and things dont always work right The author of our emotions has given us a manual (the Bible) to instruct us on how to handle our emotions.
This Sermon Series Will Cover: Basic EmotionCan Lead ToShould Have AngerBitternessJoy FearGeneral AnxietyPeace DisgustHatredLove SadnessDepressionHope Lust/DesireCovetousness Greed or Envy Gratitude
This Sermon Series Is Not: A substitute for your Doctor regarding the use of psychotropic drugs. I am not a doctor and would never presume to tell you to get on or off a prescription drug. Biblically speaking, I have no problem with using a drug to help handle emotions as long as… The drug doesnt impair your judgment (Eph. 5:18) The drug doesnt become an addiction (1Cor. 6:12) The drug isnt a substitute for dealing with the root problem* *Some emotional problems have an organic or medical cause and can be treated medically, but psychotropic drugs are not curative, they only mask the symptoms
This Sermon Series Is Not: Suggesting that you abandon all emotions Teaching you how to never feel negative emotions (that would be unhealthy) An excuse for not seeing a counselor (Having emotional problems doesnt mean you are crazy; just fairly normal. Please talk to someone.) Claiming to have all the answers
This Sermon Series Is: A biblical look at what should be understood and done when negative emotions go wrong.
Read the following Bible story… CONTEXT David is still running from King Saul at this point in his life. Saul is persecuting him for no reason. David has collected a following of misfits and outcasts that are loyal to him. From time to time David fought the Philistines, the enemy of Israel. Apparently David and his men had voluntarily provided protection for Nabals shepherds CLICK HERECLICK HERE to read the story.
Ask yourself the following questions… 1.What were Nabals emotions when Davids men talked to him? What about when Abigail told him what she had done? 2.What were Abigails emotions when she heard the news? What about after she talked to David? What about after her husband died? 3.What were Davids emotions when he heard of Nabals response to his request? What about after Abigail talked to him? What about after Nabal died? 4.Could you be an Abigail in someones life? Has anyone ever helped you like she helped David?
Consider these things… Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9) Who was the peacemaker in this story? Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord. (Romans 12:19) Who was the avenger in this story? And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works… (Hebrews 10:24) Whose job is it to help other believers do the right thing?
Does God Have Emotions? Yes! Consider His compassion shown to us by sending Jesus to die in our place Have you accepted Gods gracious offer of forgiveness? If you have, you should be sharing His love in practical ways in all areas of your life
For God so loved the world…