Two Layer in scene. A layer is the transparent layer. By Proshow Producer Update June 25,2013
Open Program Program version
Select folder from Folders List Your folder
First slide Drag & Drop
Double click on first slide Have many slide show
Can have many image or video Add layer to this slide Can have many image or video In one scene
Can rotate or resize Free style changing
Layers, Editing, Chroma key transparency You can adjust this layer
Select key color Color selector
Increase Hue Threshold & Intensity Threshold May change other options
Result is static slide Back to scene preview
On layer in change video This is a layer to change. Double click.
Point 2 difference with point 1 Difference of 2 points Point 2 difference with point 1
Menu bar has many options Add title slide
Movie should have the information Introduction & Credit Movie should have the information such as title