Course Outline, Procedures and Expectations 2016 / 2017 Nutrition 2102/3102 Course Outline, Procedures and Expectations 2016 / 2017
Outline Nutrition 2102 Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Food Choices and Nutritional Needs Unit 2: Food Selection, Preparation and Storage Unit 3: Menu and Meal Planning
Outline Nutrition 3102 Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Food nutrition and health. Unit 2: Food technology and production Unit 3: Food security
Course Evaluation Cooking labs 40% Projects/assignments 30% Written and in-class work 30% Most cooking labs will also include a written component
In Class Work Portfolios Posters Activities If you are absent from a class, it is your responsibility to obtain missed work. You will be graded on all work. Visit for details on assignments.
Assignment Projects and assignments will include: research portfolios PowerPoints videos and presentations participation in group discussions written reports test and quizzes posters and other visuals. All assignments are in-class. That means use of class time is very important. If you are absent from class you are responsible for obtaining missed work.
Cooking Labs 2102 There will be 8 cooking labs. Recipes will be determined.
Participation Coming to class on time Having a writing utensil Cooperation Not wasting class time Paying attention Completing all assigned tasks Keeping the classroom neat and tidy.
Classroom expectations Be on time for class Ask permission and sign out to leave the room Courteous behavior at all times. Remember your manners No cell phones, cameras or other electronics are permitted unless we are using them for academic purposes as directed by the instructor. Make sure stations or seating areas are cleaned before you leave. No writing on the desks or tables Use the garbage tin! Pass in all class work at the end of each class. Collect and complete any missed work.
Class Procedures Once you enter the classroom go directly to your seat. You are not permitted in the kitchen area unless you are cooking. All work assigned that day will be due at the end of class. All written work and handouts are to be placed in your portfolio and stored in the proper location in the classroom
Discussion Questions:
Nutrition 2102 Any questions?